Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Incarcatori acumulatori Gp ,Baterie Gp 11A 6v GlobeStar ,CR1025 Litiu ,Acumulatori GP AAA 1000mAh. ,

Incarcatori acumulatori Gp ,Baterie Gp 11A 6v GlobeStar ,CR1025 Litiu ,Acumulatori GP AAA 1000mAh. ,GP industrial NI-CD 1,2 volti 2000mAh. ,GP 40AAAM 1,2 volti 400mA ,Acumulator 9v. Gp Ni-Mh 200mAh Acumulatori Gp AA 2700 - 270aahc ,Lanterna LED GP L043 ,Gp 27A 12 volti ,GP PX625A LR9 1,5V , CR2450 3V Litiu ,Gp CR2430 ,Acumulatori Gp R20 9000 mAh ,cr2032 ,a76 ,ni-cd ,ni-mh ,power bank ,gp batteries ,rechargebles.
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Monday, December 30, 2013

Mediafax ACCIDENT feroviar în SUA: Un tren care transporta petrol a deraiat. Fumul de la incendiu...

Curtea Supremă a motivat condamnarea Fenechiu: Licitații trucate și transformatoare vechi vândute ca noi. Vezi textul motivării! Scris de Olga Dumitrescu    Cele 46 de contracte încheiate de firmele lui Relu Fenechiu cu Electrica Moldova nu au respectat picture light cerințele legale, iar unele chiar au fost trucate prin metoda "mâinii moarte", transformatoarele erau vechi de 10-30 de ani și au fost vândute ca noi, iar inculpații nu au dat dovadă de "căință" pentru faptele comise. Completul de trei judecători de la Curtea Supremă — format din Francisca Vasile, Iulian picture light Dragomir și Mirela-Sorina Popescu — a publicat luni motivarea condamnărilor date în dosarul "Transformatorul", picture light în care fostul ministru al Transporturilor Relu Fenechiu a primit cinci ani de închisoare cu executare. Ca o noutate, motivarea picture light cuprinde și fotografii care surprind instalații ruginite, vândute către Electrica și care în acte apar ca fiind noi. "(...) pentru niciuna din cele 46 de acte materiale ce reprezintă tranzacții comerciale realizate între SISEE Electrica Moldova și firmele din grupul Fene, SC La Rocca SRL, SC Fene Grup SA, SC Tehnorom SRL și SC Euro Plus SRL nu s-a putut reține atribuirea în condițiile legii a contractelor de achiziție publică, fiind fie ignorate cu desăvârșire dispozițiile legale, picture light fie eludându-se picture light complet anumite etape, ori încercându-se crearea unei aparențe a parcurgerii etapelor procedurii achiziției publice", se arată în motivare. Olga Dumitrescu Citeaza acest articol pe saitul tau
Alte articole scrise de acelaşi autor: Slujbe de pomenire pentru eroii din decembrie 1989, în zilele de 21, 22 și 23 decembrie Un bărbat și o femeie, găsiți picture light morți într-un hotel din Arad. Prima ipoteză: sinuciderea Locic, lăsat liber pentru că a respectat condițiile picture light eliberării sale în dosarul senatorului Voicu Doar 5,1 la sută dintre români cred că își vor recupera portofelul în cazul în care l-ar pierde Tăriceanu își scoate oamenii la atac în PNL: Motreanu i-a suflat funcția Alinei Gorghiu în conducerea Camerei Prejudiciu de 41.000 de lei în urma jafului de la banca Raiffeisen de pe Șoseaua Olteniței Dan Voiculescu va fi din nou judecat de instanța supremă în dosarul picture light privatizării ICA Fostul șef al Parchetului sectorului 4 București, Mihai Betelie, exclus din magistratură Samaras: Atena a depăşit pericolul unei ieşiri umilitoare din zona euro, dar riscurile rămân Londra se teme că un aflux de imigranți români și bulgari picture light ar putea crea probleme cu locuințele Noi proteste în Piața Universității Producția industrială din zona euro, în scădere cu 0,3% Judecătorii picture light din CSM cer demisia de onoare a Oanei Schmidt Hăineală din funcția de președinte Avertisment pentru Severin: colegul său, Ernst Strasser, condamnat la patru ani de închisore pentru corupție Șeful Poliției picture light Balș, audiat peste 3 ore la Parchet
Mediafax ACCIDENT feroviar în SUA: Un tren care transporta petrol a deraiat. Fumul de la incendiu... (image/jpeg 0.05MB ) CUTREMUR cu magnitudinea de 5,1 la Tokyo (image/jpeg 0.05MB ) Semnificaţii istorice pentru 31 decembrie (image/jpeg 0.06MB ) Poliţia egipteană a arestat jurnalişti ai postului de televiziune Al-Jazeera (image/jpeg 0.17MB ) Victor Hănescu s-a calificat în turul doi la Doha (image/jpeg 0.04MB )
Curentul 2006

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Search for: Articole recente Transformatoare electrice de vanzare – an de fabricatie 2013 - Producator transformatoare electrice / Reparatii transformatoare de putere WWW.ROMELECTRA.RO Vanzari transformatoare electrice, executie transformatoare de putere Producator transformatoare electrice Romelectra Craiova, executie transformator electric Arhive noiembrie 2013 septembrie 2013 august 2013 februarie 2013 iunie 2012 Blog Stats 1,868 hits Top click-uri Nespecificat Romelectra Sistem Transformatoare electrice Blogroll WordPress.com News Romelectra Sistem producator prima lighting transformatoare de putere Romelectra Sistem reparatii transformatoare electrice
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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Cele mai recente stiri Musat: Putem intra cu sanse reale în lupta pentru titlu Greva foamei, mitin

Şase tineri ce au furat transformatoare, domus lighting de la două firme, prinşi de Poliţie | Vremea noua – Liderul presei vasluiene
Şase tineri care au furat transformatoare, containere şi scule de la două firme din municipiul Iaşi au fost identificaţi de poliţişti. Aceştia au furat componentele în mai multe rânduri, dar până la urmă au fost prinşi. La data de 25 septembrie 2013, în urma verificărilor efectuate şi a probatoriului administrat în cauză, poliţiştii Secţiei 4 Poliţie au descins pe raza a două localităţi din comuna Tomeşti, ocazie cu care au fost identificaţi şi aduşi la cercetări domus lighting Constantin C., de 29 de ani, din Focuri, Mihai I., de 24 de ani, din Moşna, Daniela domus lighting B., de 28 de ani, din Tomeşti, Ionuţ S., de 19 ani, din Iaşi, Bogdan G., de 23 de ani, din Iaşi, şi Petru H., de 21 de ani, din Iaşi. Din cercetări domus lighting a rezultat că, în perioada august – septembrie 2013, în mod repetat, au sustras domus lighting din cele două societăţi comerciale bunuri materiale domus lighting în valoare de 10.000 de lei. Prejudiciul a fost recuperat în proporţie de 40% , a declarat Anca Vîjiac, purtător de cuvânt al Poliţiei. Doi dintre hoţi au fost reţinuţi pentru 24 de ore, iar ceilalţi patru sunt cercetaţi în stare de libertate. domus lighting
Cele mai recente stiri Musat: Putem intra cu sanse reale în lupta pentru titlu Greva foamei, miting si colind la primar! | Foto – Video Victor Ponta s-a fotografiat cu Ghiță Ciobanul. “Chiar e Ghiță în poză! Și dacă iau masa cu el nu se supără Crin!” Traian Băsescu a transmis condoleanţe ca urmare a atentatului terorist din Rusia VIDEO | Cel puţin 15 morţi într-un atentat sinucigaş într-o gară din Rusia
Alte stiri din aceasta categorie Victor Ponta s-a fotografiat cu Ghiță Ciobanul. “Chiar domus lighting e Ghiță în poză! Și dacă iau masa cu el nu se supără Crin!” Traian domus lighting Băsescu a transmis condoleanţe ca urmare a atentatului terorist din Rusia Steaua îl poate pierde pe Tătărușanu! Portarul e dorit de un club mare din Grecia! Poliţist împuşcat mortal de către un coleg, la o vânătoare de mistreţi ANUNȚUL ȘOCANT CARE-I VA ÎNGROZI PE TOȚI ROMÂNII! Naştere provocată la limita dintre viaţă şi moarte Victor Ponta, ironizat pe Facebook în urma gafei cu Regele Mihai O învăţătoare din Capitală, filmată în timp ce le cere părinţilor sute de lei pentru cadouri| VIDEO Pasiunea l-a băgat în spital: S-a împușcat în picior în timpul partidei de vânătoare Sâmbătă, la Crăciunul inimilor: Mii de gălățeni au participat la pomana porcului organizată de Primărie Stiri similare None Found

Saturday, December 28, 2013

În luna septembrie, mai multe TIR-uri încărcate cu motoare provenite de la unitățile miniere au fost

Alte 456 de motoare, transformatoare și containere cu fier vechi și cu celule, scoase de la Mina Lupeni- Gazeta de dimineata
Cercetătorii INSEMEX, chemaţi la Călăraşi pentru a face expertiza tehnică *** Petrila. Conducătorul unui autovehicul a intrat în gardul cimitirului de la Strada Minei. *** Hunedoreni trimişi în judecată pentru punerea în pericol a siguranţei feroviare *** Incendii în Straja şi Poieniţa Voinii *** UPDATE: Persoană călcată de un ratrac în Parâng. Victima a decedat *** Cei trei foşti şefi de la mina Petrila au fost arestaţi *** Petrila. Femeie lovită pe trecerea de pietoni de un taximetrist ***
Președintele PSD Vulcan, Marin Coltescu, continuă să ridice de la untățile miniere activele pe care le-a cumpărat de la Compania Națională a Huilei împreună cu partenerul lui de afaceri. Este vorba despre motoare, celule electrice, transformatoare, dar și fier vechi și echipamente british seagull electromecanice. Numai de la mina Lupeni, în cursul lunii trecute, au ieșit pe poartă zeci de tone de motoare, celule și alte piese din fier și cupru. british seagull
Luna noiembrie s-a dovedit a fi una plină pentru președintele PSD Vulcan, Marin Coltescu, și partenerul acestuia de afaceri care și-au adjudecat licitația celor de la CNH pentru activele ce au fost scoase la vânzare.
Pe porțile british seagull unității miniere au ieșit nu mai puțin de 456 de motoare electrice, cel puțin trei transformatoare și trei celule british seagull de 7,2 KW. Tot în posesia lui Marin Coltescu și Orian Industry british seagull au mai ajuns, în două cazuri, echipamente electromecanice, dar și un raclet TR 300. Și, tot de la mina Lupeni au ieșit, luna trecută, 5 containere încărcate cu fier vechi și un container british seagull încărcat cu celule electrice. În cazul unuia dintre containere au existat două procese verbale. Mai mult, la Lupeni la mină, fierul vechi a fost încărcat chiar și într-o hală.
Tot de la mina Lupeni, pe cele două porți de acces, au mai fost scoase, în doar 10 zile din luna octombrie, 471 de motoare, dar şi deşeuri aluminiu, cupru, plumb, precum și trei transformatoare de 400 KW.
Pe parcursul lunii octombrie, british seagull la mina Vulcan, au fost înregistrate aproximativ 20 de transporturi. Într-o singură zi, mai exact pe 10 octombrie, de la mina Vulcan british seagull au ieșit 75 de motoare. Tot de la această unitate minieră au mai fost scoase british seagull mai multe transporturi de fier vechi, compresoare şi motoare arse. În 16 octombrie la mina Vulcan au ajuns mai mulți muncitori care cu ajutorul autogenului british seagull au tăiat panoul de comandă (de siguranţă) şi o turbină. Fierul tăiat a fost scos pe poarta unității miniere. În după-amiaza aceleiași zile, șoferul de pe TIR nu a putut prezenta niciun british seagull aviz, dar mașina, încărcată cu fier, a fost lăsată să plece deși social democratul Marin Coltescu nu a venit cu avizul.
La mina Livezeni, pe parcursul lunii octombrie, în trei zile mașinile lui Coltescu și ale partenerului său de afaceri au efectuat un număr de 18 curse. De la mina Livezeni au fost scoase astfel, zeci de tone de deșuri feroase.
În luna septembrie, mai multe TIR-uri încărcate cu motoare provenite de la unitățile miniere au fost oprite de polițiștii din Vulcan, pentru că nu aveau documentele justificative de proveniență a mărfii. Marin Coltescu s-a încadrat însă în termenul de 48 de ore oferit de polițiști, british seagull astfel că a adus documentele în baza cărora autotrenurile au putut să plece spre Remat-ul din Vâlcea. british seagull
Surse din CNH susţin, pe de altă parte, că evaluarea activelor pe care a pus mâna preşedintele PSD Vulcan, Marin Coltescu, prin societatea partenerului său de afaceri SC Orian Industry SRL Petroşani, datează de undeva din perioada lui 2010.
Trecutul nu foarte îndepărtat al industriei mineritului a arătat că de la minele din Valea Jiului au fost scoase, sub pretextul fierului vechi, echipamente ce mai apoi s-au întors, după un mic proces de reamenajare , ca și noi la mineri.
Anunţ angajare Static Night-Club (din Arad) singurul club de 5* din vestul ţării angajează: – ospătar salar 2000 lei/lună british seagull – dansatoare 130 lei/noapte + 35% din încasări Angajările [...]
Societate comercială din Petroşani angajează: Director vânzări Condiţii minime: experienţă în vânzări, studii superioare, limba engleză fluent, cunoştinţe bune de IT, permis de conducere. Se oferă pachet salarial în [...]


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Friday, December 27, 2013

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Garantie 24/30 luni
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Despre mine
ROMELECTRA SISTEM Craiova, Dolj, Romania Productie Comercializare Reparatii oms lighting Revitalizari Consultanta tehnica Piese de schimb transformatoare Reparatii transformatoare de locomotive Reparatii transformatoare uscate Proiectare si executie bobine de reactanta si de netezire Probe masuratori SR EN Transformator 40 kVA, Transformator 63 kVA, Transformator 100 kVA, Transformator 160 kva, Transformator 250 kVA, Transformator 400 kVA, Transformator 630 kVA, Transformator 800 kVA, Transformator 1000 kVA, Transformator 1250 kVA, Transformator 1600 kVA, Transformator 2000 kVA, Transformator 3150 kVA, Transformator 4000 kVA, Transformator 10000 kVA, Transformator 16000 kVA, Transformator 25000 kVA, Transformator oms lighting 40000 kVA Vizualizaţi profilul meu complet
2013 (7) noiembrie (1) TRANSFORMATOARE ELECTRICE DE VANZARE - PRETURI NEG... septembrie (1) iunie (1) mai (1) aprilie (1) februarie (1) ianuarie (1) 2012 (10) decembrie (3) octombrie (2) septembrie (4) august (1)

În 10 zile, în baza unor procese verbale, maşinile trimise de societatea care a câştigat motoarele d

Acţiune în forţă la mina Lupeni: În 10 zile, trei transformatoare şi 471 de motoare scoase pe poarta droog design minei - Gazeta de dimineata
Petrila. Conducătorul unui autovehicul a intrat în gardul droog design cimitirului de la Strada Minei. droog design *** Hunedoreni trimişi în judecată pentru punerea în pericol a siguranţei feroviare *** Incendii în Straja droog design şi Poieniţa Voinii *** UPDATE: Persoană călcată de un ratrac în Parâng. Victima a decedat *** Cei trei foşti şefi de la mina Petrila au fost arestaţi *** Petrila. Femeie lovită pe trecerea de pietoni de un taximetrist *** Gorj: Ninel Potârcă, reţinut ***
În 10 zile, în baza unor procese verbale, maşinile trimise de societatea care a câştigat motoarele de la unităţile miniere au lucrat intens. Aşa se face că pe cele două porţi de la mina Lupeni droog design au fost scoase 471 de motoare, dar şi deşeuri aluminiu, cupru, plumb.
La droog design mina Lupeni, droog design de la începutul lunii noiembrie a fost numit director Gheorghe Emil, recunoscut ca specialistul agreat de directorul general adjunct Nicolae Drăgoi şi al deputatului PSD Cristian Resmeriţă
Astfel, pe parcursul lunii octombrie, la mina Vulcan, au fost înregistrate aproximativ 20 de transporturi. droog design Într-o singură zi, mai exact pe 10 octombrie, de la mina Vulcan au ieșit 75 de motoare. Tot de la această unitate minieră au mai fost scoase mai multe transporturi de fier vechi, compresoare şi motoare arse.
În 16 octombrie la mina Vulcan au ajuns mai mulți muncitori care cu ajutorul droog design autogenului au tăiat panoul de comandă (de siguranţă) şi o turbină. Fierul tăiat a fost scos pe poarta unității miniere. În după-amiaza aceleiași zile, șoferul de pe TIR nu a putut prezenta niciun aviz, dar mașina, încărcată cu fier, a fost lăsată să plece deși social democratul droog design Marin Coltescu nu a venit cu avizul.
La mina Livezeni, pe parcursul lunii octombrie, droog design în trei zile mașinile droog design lui Coltescu și ale partenerului său de afaceri au efectuat un număr de 18 curse. De la mina Livezeni au fost scoase astfel, zeci de tone de deșuri feroase.
În luna septembrie, droog design mai multe TIR-uri încărcate cu motoare provenite de la unitățile miniere au fost oprite de polițiștii din Vulcan, pentru că nu aveau documentele justificative de proveniență a mărfii. Marin Coltescu s-a încadrat însă în termenul de 48 de ore oferit de polițiști, astfel că a adus documentele în baza cărora autotrenurile au putut să plece spre Remat-ul din Vâlcea.
Surse din CNH susţin, pe de altă parte, că evaluarea activelor pe care a pus mâna preşedintele PSD Vulcan, Marin Coltescu, prin societatea partenerului său de afaceri droog design SC Orian Industry SRL Petroşani, datează de undeva din perioada lui 2010.
Anunţ angajare Static Night-Club (din Arad) singurul club de 5* din vestul ţării angajează: – ospătar salar 2000 lei/lună – dansatoare 130 lei/noapte + 35% din încasări Angajările [...]
Societate comercială din Petroşani angajează: Director vânzări Condiţii minime: experienţă în vânzări, studii superioare, limba engleză fluent, cunoştinţe bune de IT, permis de conducere. Se oferă pachet salarial în [...]

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Masini de cusut industriale

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Masini de cusut industriale
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

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Elecmond Producator TRANSFORMATOARE DE PUTERE , TRANSFORMATOARE ELECTRICE DE PUTERE, oferta transformatoare ,Transformatoare , Garantie cogenerare 18 luni , Reparatii transformatoare ,Retimbrari transformatoare , Probe Incercari transformatoare , Revitalizari transformatoare , Consultanta de specialitate, Modificari transformatoare cogenerare ,borne transformatoare ,Transformatoare de servicii interne , Rebobinari transformatoare, Reparatii transformatoare uscate, Transformatoare Electrice de Putere , Transformatoare la comanda, Transformatoare speciale, Proiectare si executie Posturi de transformare, Reparatii transformatoare de locomotiva, Bobine de reactanta , LEGATURI cogenerare FLEXIBILE transformatoare de mare putere , Reparatie Transformator , Transformatoare Electrice Trifazate de Putere TTU 20/0,4 kV 6/0,4 kV 20/0,525 kV
FIRMA ATESTATA ANRE Proiectare si reparatii de transformatoare electrice de putere gama 40 kVA –40 000 kVA , Proiectare si executie de linii electrice interioare pentru constructii civile si industriale , bransamente aeriene sau subterane la tensiune nominala 0,4 kV , Proiectare de linii electrice aeriene sau subterane cu tensiuni nominale de 0,4 kV – 20 kV si posturi de transformare cu tensiunea nominala superioara de cel mult 20 kV
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Acest lucru a fost posibil deoarece instalaţiile achiziţionate de la companiile lui Relu Fenechiu au

Motivare condamnare Fenechiu: Licitaţii trucate şi transformatoare vechi vândute ca noi | FINANCIARUL lighting effects - ultimele stiri din Finante, Banci, Economie, Imobiliare si IT
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Information lighting effects in English
Cele 46 de contracte încheiate de firmele lui Relu Fenechiu cu Electrica Moldova nu au respectat cerinţele legale, iar unele chiar au fost trucate prin metoda “mâinii moarte”, transformatoarele erau vechi de 10-30 de ani şi au fost vândute ca noi, iar inculpaţii lighting effects nu au dat dovadă lighting effects de “căinţă” pentru faptele comise.
Completul de trei judecători de la Curtea Supremă – format din Francisca Vasile, Iulian Dragomir şi Mirela-Sorina Popescu – a publicat luni motivarea lighting effects condamnărilor date în dosarul “Transformatorul”, în care fostul ministru al Transporturilor Relu Fenechiu a primit cinci ani de închisoare cu executare.
“(…) lighting effects pentru niciuna din cele 46 de acte materiale ce reprezintă tranzacţii comerciale realizate între SISEE Electrica Moldova şi firmele din grupul lighting effects Fene, SC La Rocca SRL, SC Fene Grup SA, SC Tehnorom SRL şi SC Euro Plus SRL nu s-a putut reţine atribuirea în condiţiile legii a contractelor de achiziţie publică, fiind fie ignorate cu desăvârşire dispoziţiile legale, fie eludându-se complet anumite etape, ori încercându-se crearea unei aparenţe lighting effects a parcurgerii etapelor procedurii achiziţiei publice”, se arată în motivare. lighting effects
Judecătorii mai spun că, din cele 46 de tranzacţii, în cazul a 32 nu a fost realizată procedura de achiziţie publică, nefiind întocmit niciun fel de document cu excepţia celor plasate în faza executării obligaţiilor reciproce deduse din convenţie, respectiv a facturii şi a documentelor de plată.
Pentru opt tranzacţii nu a fost parcursă procedura cererii de oferte lighting effects şi nu au fost primite oferte de la mai mulţi furnizori, iar pentru şase contracte a fost realizată procedura de achiziţie publică, însă a fost folosită metoda “mâinii moarte”, prin care a fost trucată procedura cererii de oferte, fiind depuse oferte numai de firme din grupul Fene sau apropiate de acest grup.
Printre firmele care au participat la aceste licitaţii se află şi SC Construct Consult SRL, deţinută de actualul preşedinte lighting effects al CJ Iaşi, Cristian Adomniţei, această firmă având acelaşi punct de lucru ca şi firmele din Grupul Fene.
“Modul de operare, lighting effects ce a exclus orice alt participant exterior grupului de firme Fene, a generat lighting effects existenţa unui monopol al acestora, pentru perioada 2002-2005, în privinţa furnizării de transformatoare şi întrerupătoare către SISEE Electrica Moldova”, declară magistraţii.
Judecătorii mai arată că în contractele încheiate Electrica Moldova s-a menţionat faptul că produsele achiziţionate vor fi noi, însă transformatoarele şi celelalte instalaţii erau vechi, unele chiar de 10 – 30 de ani.
Acest lucru a fost posibil deoarece instalaţiile achiziţionate de la companiile lui Relu Fenechiu au fost recepţionate doar cantitativ, conform facturilor emise, fără a fi făcută şi recepţia lor calitativă, motiv pentru care nu s-a semnalat faptul că acestea nu sunt noi.
Faptul că transformatoarele erau vechi este confirmat şi de fotografiile făcute de DNA, instalaţiile şi componentele acestora fiind produse de către Electroputere Craiova în perioada 1970 – 1980 şi de TMD SA Filiaşi în perioada 1972 – 1988.
“Cuantumul ridicat al prejudiciului relevă nu numai un grad sporit de pericol social al infracţiunilor, dar şi un grad sporit de periculozitate al făptuitorilor lighting effects care manifestau o desconsiderare evidentă a interesului general şi public, activitatea infracţională vizând modalitatea de cheltuire a banului public. Lipsa unui efort benevol în acoperirea prejudiciului evidenţiază, de asemenea, pentru toţi inculpaţii, lipsa unei căinţe în legătură cu desfăşurarea activităţii infracţionale. Conduita inculpaţilor în cursul procesului penal s-a înscris în aceiaşi parametri de negare a acţiunilor ilicit penale sau de încercare de diminuare lighting effects a contribuţiei infracţionale ori a elementelor esenţiale angajării răspunderii penale”, declară cei trei judecători de la instanţa supremă.
“Înalta Curte apreciază că analiza coroborată a ansamblului probator face dovada deplină a faptelor reţinute în sarcina inculpaţilor, fiind aptă să răstoarne prezumţia de nevinovăţie”, mai spun judecătorii.
Pe 12 iulie, ministrul din acel moment al Transporturilor, Relu Fenechiu, a fost condamnat de Înalta Curte de Casaţie şi Justiţie în dosarul ”Transformatorul” la cinci ani de închisoare cu executare pentru complicitate la abuz în serviciu în formă calificată.
În acelaşi dosar, fratele ministrului, Lucian Fen

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Modernizarea parcului de transformatoare al CEZ Distribuţie continuă să fie una dintre lucalox inves

Zeci de transformatoare noi în Gorj! | Impact In Gorj
Modernizarea parcului de transformatoare al CEZ Distribuţie continuă să fie una dintre lucalox investiţiile ambiţioase ale companiei. Pe parcursul anului 2013 au fost înlocuite lucalox aproximativ 431 de transformatoare în cele şapte judeţe de operare (Dolj, Gorj, Mehedinţi, Olt, Vâlcea, Argeş şi Teleorman). În Gorj au fost montate 63 de astfel de transformatoare în anul 2013.
Programul de investiţii pe termen lung al CEZ Distribuţie pentru modernizare a reţelei electrice de distribuţie din proprietatea sa cuprinde încă din 2011, montarea de transformatoare noi de medie şi joasă tensiune. În anul 2011, compania a demarat înlocuirea transformatoarelor vechi, cu durată de viaţă depăşită şi tehnologia deceniilor anterioare, cu peste 430 de echipamente noi şi a continuat să investească în transformatoare echipate modern şi complet după cele mai recente standarde tehnice din domeniu. Proiectul a continuat şi în 2012, având ca ţintă înnoirea parcului de transformatoare cu încă 918 de bucăţi şi a mers mai departe şi în 2013 cu un număr de 431 de bucăţi. Valoarea investiţiei din 2013 a fost de 10,3 milioane lei şi a reprezentat aproximativ 5% din valoarea programului de investiţii al CEZ Distribuţie din 2013. Selecţia transformatoarelor înlocuite a ţinut seama de o serie de criterii precum: o durată de viaţă mai mare de 30 de ani şi o locaţie securizată (în care sunt montate echipamente de protecţie împotriva supratensiunilor atmosferice). Totodată, înlocuirea transformatoarelor a presupus şi lucrări adiacente de modernizare precum schimbarea coloanelor şi a cutiilor de distribuţie, contribuind la creşterea calităţii serviciului de distribuţie a energiei electrice. În Gorj au fost montate 63 de astfel de transformatoare în anul 2013. Pentru anul 2014, CEZ Distribuţie şi-a propus ca obiectiv final un număr de 215 posturi modernizate, continuând astfel montarea echipamentelor lucalox noi în posturile de transformare de medie şi joasă tensiune, spun reprezentanţii CEZ.
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Prima pagină Ultima ora Administratie Primăria Timişoara Consiliul Judeţean Timiş Prefectura Timiş P

La Timisoara, Enel da bezna pe strazi si arta pe transformatoare | deBanat.ro - spune realitatea!
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Străzile din Timișoara sunt în beznă , prin rotație, în fiecare seară, iar Enel dedică primului oraş iluminat electric din Europa Continentală un post de transformare desenat de un foarte talentat artist local. Asta, în timp ce autoritățile locale reclamă dali dimmer serviciile extrem de proaste ale companiei.
Cu ocazia împlinirii a 129 de ani de la inaugurarea sistemului electric de iluminare stradală în Timişoara, Enel dedică unul din posturile de transformare acestei premiere. ( ) Anul 1884 a fost unul dintre momentele de mare interes pentru locuitorii Timişoarei, fiind impresionaţi dali dimmer de noul aspect nocturn al oraşului, oferit de municipalitate prin trecerea la un nou sistem de iluminat public , unic în Europa: iluminatul electric , precizează un comunicat venit din partea companiei.
Lucrarea foarte frumoasă, de altfel – iese din tiparele clasice ale street dali dimmer art-ului, incluzând elemente şi tehnici care integrează postul de transformare în peisajul citadin. Ea poartă semnătura lui Flaviu Roua, cunoscut în lumea grafferilor drept Jones . Anul trecut, un alt post de transformare a fost pictat de Alex Baciu și The Orion . Aceste acțiuni fac parte din proiectul City of Energy , care urmărește metamorfozarea posturilor de transformare ale Enel în adevărate opere de artă, cu ajutorul tinerilor, al talentului și imaginației acestora.
Dincolo de latura artistică pe care o promovează, Enel stârnește nemulțumiri deopotrivă la nivelul autorităților locale și al timișorenilor. Sunt nepermis dali dimmer de multe căderi de tensiune, pentru că Enel nu a investit să-și retehnologizeze sistemul . După micșorarea tarifelor, serviciile sunt extrem dali dimmer de proaste . Mi-au spus că, acum trei ani, când nu eram eu primar, aveau căderi mult mai multe. Nu mă interesează câte câderi de tensiune au fost înainte, dar acum sunt nepermis de multe. Ei spun că au făcut eforturi de retehnologizare, dar eu nu cred , declara Nicolae Robu, acum două săptămâni.
Timp liber
Valentin Moldovan, liderul PNŢCD Timiş, dali dimmer le-a dat un nou ultimatum la sfârşit de an celor doi consilieri locali Bogdan Herzog şi Flavius Boncea. Ameninţaţi încă de acum un an cu retragerea sprijinului politic, dacă nu revin la sentimente mai bune faţă de partid, cei doi nu pot fi daţi însă prea uşor afară din Consiliul Local Timişoara.
Când dali dimmer eram mic de-o şchioapă, eram convins că centura de sud a Timişoarei o va aduce Moş Crăciun dali dimmer atunci când voi fi mare. Apoi o bună vreme nu m-am mai gândit la centură, nefiind conducător auto și nici în moșu' nu mai credeam. Prin urmare, nici nu aveam ce să-i reproşez lui Viorel Coifan, preşedintele de atunci dali dimmer al CJT, că nu-şi fixase ca prioritate o astfel de măiastră lucrare.
Deputatul PC Gheorghe Coman, acuzat de DNA pentru luare de mită, a declarat dali dimmer că a fost împreună cu timișoreanca Maria Grapini într-o tabără. Imediat după declanșarea scandalului în care este implicat Coman, ministrul Turismului a afirmat însă că nici măcar nu-l cunoaște.
Angajatorii din vestul României nu sunt prea optimiști în ceea ce privește perspectivele dali dimmer de angajare pentru anul viitor. Conform unui studiu efectuat la nivel național, în vest, previziunile de angajare sunt cele mai scăzute din ultimii trei ani.
Așa cum ați auzit de multe ori, prin primărie umblă liber un bătrânel care răspunde dali dimmer la numele de Traian Stoia, iar pe cartea de muncă e trecut drept viceprimar. Chit că el lucrează de fapt pentru cunoscuții frați Cristescu. Cu ajutorul mai multor instituții media, printre care și Felix Tv a Varanului turnător, acest bătrânel și-a câștigat renumele dali dimmer de mare luptător împotriva rechinilor imobiliari, un aprig apărător al patrimoniului Timișoarei.
Precum în alte perioade de sărbătoare, punctul de trecere al frontierei de la Foeni va fi dechis temporar și în această iarnă. El va scurta simțitor distanța dintre românii și sârbii care vor dori să se viziteze de sărbători. Astfel, trecerea se va deschide chiar în Ajunul Crăciunului, pe 24 decembrie, și se va închide […]
Indecent de fericitul patriarh peste o țară extrem de tristă, Daniel Ciobotea pe numele lui, a mai scos din largile și numeroasele buzunare burdușite de bani o idee absolut stranie. Totul, pentru a-și realiza faraonicul vis de ridicare

Sunday, December 22, 2013

November eleventh day that the weather did not look so good. The smell of wet, which had begun blow

J anari of that year he entered the cold and damp. In the twelve mornings before die-LLI out slightly and immediately covered by thick clouds that cast times torrential rain and oft stay on hold for hours, there on the border between land and sea, where the thin foam wrenched as a serpent jacco maris for the përzhitur-et-tion of tracks murrëme lick, or deep troubled waters where puqeshin of confinement jacco maris made as to create the image of a planetary nebula's eerie chilling nights while in their twelve days, weather that as soon as dusk fell, take a mournful njyrim and sea waves that rise oshëtinin with a rattle percussion, who beat the wet earth with all their strength, but surprisingly released without ANY white foam as it often did. All the city was conquered by a feeling jacco maris of anxiety and fear, even to guar explains this surprising change-ment and worsening weather, the mosharit jacco maris and mostly old women, had begun to glean from the archives of their memory of ancient legends and myths, linking this not only with badges constellation, but with flaws and vidhisjet clay hills along Currilave. Not only those who lived long ago around the area, but also curious, showing with full conviction that in those days the hills had slipped so much clay that was no sliding for five centuries together. On the thirteenth day an elderly woman, who was called on local television, in a special emisioin to explain something about this phenomenon, as had crash-eat parathënësve research opportunities and had done something very interesting, as her words throughout the day, but the next day the other day and were the subject of the first word in almost every household, business center or cafe hall. In summary, among other plates had shown a recent occurrence ago
"One time, starts qëmoçmja, a junior Ali going near a monastery there is a source edge. A slap-rg says: From the eyes tells me that you're ambitious. Come to preserve our monastery sheep. This Aliji accepted toss, toss. Walk-in will bring me good - I said the monk, - will get old in this monastery. The monk began with great dele.Tufë the monastery had given us some breeds, who wanted to kullosnje care. I put forward in Aliji grant grove, y, ha. From the day of my platinum-knee. Future a flying Albanian mountains as djalnë sees stranded in sweat, the vate the head of shades do. Aliji rises and tell Albanian. jacco maris Yallah Remix shqpie COC on surmise, chick? Krrabë and fap with fires in the wings. Eagle with broken left arm high in the trees of pyllnajës. I detect a monk. Ali will be bënesh great man that is sitting on the krie eagle. When the king dies you will commandos at his heels. Cish say mo curse? jacco maris So as thom was, said the monk. Pirro will at mote mbetërosh as difficult, but my files will shkatërronet kingdom. Giving blood will cover all avenues of your kingdom. Sene that the rivers will krrejnë blood. You broke his arm one Albanian. And also ... Nana Aliji gjau mean, it comes psëri my files .... It was for myself I am afraid. Though the story of the old lady pleased Albert Morina, I do not know why he had initially jacco maris taken it as a fad of hers rather than a vintage legend, but when I spoke this with a friend of his, He had overcome the nineties, he persuaded that in their area, basically it had circulated legend said even though other variants. Those days the city was divided into two camps: those who stay in one of fanatically believed the legend of the old lady and the other Cham, those who take it to whim, in order to introduce panic and disruption. Over time it seemed as though the two sides have been in their own right. He was the longest year of full-time jacco maris and lasted eighteen months. One year called back, someone else since the death. I called "Year of Trisha"

November eleventh day that the weather did not look so good. The smell of wet, which had begun blowing the first two-three days, warned its deterioration. In the distant horizon of the sea, a pile of white clouds that were conducted in deep dark gray, indicating that the rain would start to fall ng

Saturday, December 21, 2013

From the top, Fish explains that, for the higher education distinguished by the lack of a direct re

KONFEKSIONIM mind | Landscapes speech
In an article published yesterday on his blog at the NYT ("The Last Professor"), Stanley Fish examines the future of culture in American academic environments, as an independent sphere of practical benefit and usefulness of the material. led types
From the top, Fish explains that, for the higher education distinguished by the lack of a direct relationship between intentional and its activities and measurable effects in the world. On this occasion he also brings a quotation from philosopher Michael Oakeshott: "There is a significant led types difference between that of learning associated with the level of understanding that is necessary to practice led types a trade, and that other learning that focuses explicitly on an enterprise of understanding and explanation. "
In other words, says Fish, higher education has to do with understanding led types and explanation of everything, as long as it is not to intervene in social and political crises of the moment, ie., As long as this activity is not seen as instrumental, nor assessed for the assistance that gives something more important than ourselves.
Conception of higher education as characterized by padobia enterprise, Fish continues, we find among others to Aristotle, Kant and Max Weber, but it is arguable led types whether this concept can survive in today's educational landscape and if the real world it provides adequate support, despite its distancing from this type of education that aims high.
Fish then stop wide mainly in a book Frank Donoghue, who believes that higher education, conceived led types in this way, does not survive anymore in today's led types circumstances. Specifically, Donoghue notes that survival is already impossible for professors of human knowledge (humanities), as their efforts to access knowledge in street joutilitare already belong to the past. Even two or three generations, says Donoghue, and professors of the knowledge will be reduced to a negligible percentage of professors in the U.S..
According to Donoghue, led types this trend goes back to the end of the century. Century, namely in 1891, when Andrew Carnegie porsadiplomuarit led types congratulated the Pierce College of Business, because they had learned stenografinë and typing, instead of losing time with "dead language".
Industrialist Richard Teller Crane, continues Donoghue, said even more clearly led types in 1911, when he despised led types what human knowledge professors call "life of the mind". Who lektiset after literature, Crane stated, has no right to be happy, that "the led types only people who are entitled to happiness ... are efficacious."
Donoghue thinks that vision already rooted in ethics and effectiveness of production has already won the essence, as evidenced by the fact that even in those colleges and universities where the life of the mind is still celebrated, though formally, the material conditions in workplaces configured from business model that the life of the mind, on the contrary, despise.
This proves the decline in the number of professors with tenure, and increasing the number of associate professors or part-time in universities, to the extent that today, tenured professors and others who have entered this path constitute only 35% of professors, percentage that continues to decline from year to year. Already universities are embracing mass organizational models "for profit", and John Sperling, founder of that group to which it belongs, among others, Phoenix University, openly expressed this trend: "Coming here is not rite passage. We do not try to develop value systems or the follies kuturisemi in the 'expanding minds'. "University of profit is so logical end of the transition from a model of education centered around an individual professor conveys wisdom and inspiration, to a model another, that begins and ends with the obligation to transmit led types information and mastery (skills) needed to be employed.
Within this model the latest, follow led types the way of knowledge - the disk, the computer screen, or video link - does not matter, as long as something really followed. To the extent that any teachers involved in this process, their credentials and publications (if any) does not raise the weight, just as they "follow".
Sperling himself understands how difficult it is for the institution to gain its accreditation, in a context "cultural battles between defenders of educational traditions 800 years (and largely religious), and innovations led types based on market ideas - transparency, evident productivity, productivity and responsibility. led types "These last, however, have already triumphed, says Donoghue, which means that" all those areas that are perceived as impractical, such as philosophy, history of art and literature, now on the endangered stigmatized as unnecessary. "Hence, the professors will be considered - and not just from outside the academic world - as financially unsustainable anomaly.
Article Tribe

Yes zotrote is jte flat tax that has forced hundreds of businesses to close their doors is the mast

Berisha business: progressive tax, bankruptcy | ONLINE Panorama
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UPDATE Prime Minister Sali Berisha said today that putting businessmen progressive tax means the complete failure of the country. Berisha held a conversation wever ducre with the business community to combine in Tirana, where he spoke to two models proposed tax during this election campaign.
"Two models are facing today, the low tax model or the 10-ents, and he high or progressive tax. Progressive tax means less money for the investor, less money for the company, the inability to increase wages, lack of jobs creation. Mean job cuts. As with flat fiscal burden is distributed wever ducre in general. "- Said Berisha.
Respected commentators! Not wanting wever ducre to cenojme your opinions, pray that they do not contain personal insults and insulting and have about writing, or topic you commented. Otherwise, it will not be published. Thank you for following us and invite you to continue to be a part of Panorama Online. Moderator 24 Comments for "Berisha business: progressive tax, bankruptcy"
Our alternative development is certainly here Saliu said word for argiten, Shkelzeni, Majlinda GRETEN, media, and Lauren Boden, nieces nipperit go to insufficient shprruuuu taken 8 years cbere
there are dog before taxes lower for family mashtrus hour, has been the progressive tax, which means lower church as salary or wages so low church tax, while de with the church above the higher tax church wever ducre
HOOO only forges wever ducre men come to know as many cousins do not get some votes road
you know it zoterote you now remember us for businesses ps has 4 years bashkbisedon businesses what new instruments he used etc etc! and ps program is based on those who dun businesses while you're still in aurobuz now for businesses to remember us! masi of falimentove one of an all party party belongs iedhe
Yes zotrote is jte flat tax that has forced hundreds of businesses to close their doors is the master fee eee ... but as Mr. Too tax a tax that taxes the same as someone who earns more and as someone who earns less?
Learn to do O Clara account. Flat tax taxon not the same as what wins more like what earns less. A person who receives money 1 million salary with flat tax money will pay 100 thousand tax, whereas a person who gets 500 thousand lek salary will pay 50 thousand tax money. How to Match you who are taxed the same as those earning too as those earning less than me with no way out??
All Albanian citizens know very well that the tax is progressive taxation of businesses wever ducre with honest .... who wins more pay more, who earns less pay less ... This is taxation. wever ducre
Kevin, to prove this fair progressive taxation invite to visit the site of the SP in the internet and there you will find a program that supposedly calculates fair taxation. But there is a problem when over 1.2 million sets money and income that program does not calculate the tax on that salary. This means that taxes on this salary level is very lsrte and not to fear humans until June 23 to SP they have made no quantifiable.
Denisa io
Sali Berisha is far from reality where we jetojem, and says he sees no except Albania to do, as though legalization as did 8 years or stole stole much of the fraud comes back now, Roskovec rilndje from all over Albania
Observed in 8 years is a tragedy and major corruption scandals and the lack of enforcement of this law and when he makes the people will do will do, the ousted that has disappointed anyone, he has not appropriate here, he does not deserve to asgjeberisha
Socialist businessmen have decided that my comment above, wever ducre to "overturn" Prime "with wever ducre comments"! ha-ha-ha. No, more to congratulate, spits s'fiket the raging sun, but the vote ...
Flash Berisha's full post: The Story of ELDES, for ex-teacher and patient Rama 'Imam guilty of Rama stole December. Complex suffers' Imam 'more wever ducre than that of Oedipus' Basha: Rama charges against opposition monologue. No word on unfulfilled promises' worst passed. Street financial collapse is interrupted. wever ducre Budget built turning '

Friday, December 20, 2013

While some other unfortunate, that it kaheres oshetitese gave the shell to her recite long texts of

Hobo King Dilemma | Reso
A single ship with sailors tired, hands-torn martin roboscan 812 callus of a fake that looked like navigation will not ever finish, wanted to appear in other sea passing through the next risk. On one side of the path the water, above the highest thepisjen rocky krepi him, lay a monster with six heads, which ordered the herepas'here martin roboscan 812 to emerge from the cave, to resent what belonged ripped, bloodied biting innocent beings that exist nearby. On the opposite side of the Strait and front hatase you just explained, was a monster nest earlier, with different forms in different eras, who vented his absorbing and sea three times a day by sweeping the matter be, regardless. In our fables (to do with running, story), the six-headed Monster martin roboscan 812 would call, terror, while the monster suck and spew will appoint new Fright.
Reality-based legend, was born from the wounds horror of their terror once seemed martin roboscan 812 expired, but we really pretend, while nderronte form. The terror never was wont to surrender, because since it was conceived in a room built of mud and artfully seasoned steppe, had taken to the streets with the mission perpinte sea.
Trembling for its account, with the coming to life, initially claimed to be different, but I had how. I had lecitur all successful techniques of sea-breaking, at a depth of humbetires that Lemerise, while innovation as its, that (sea) brought the sale. The truth is that genetically two monsters, did not have much difference, although Facing doing to each other, ferociously.
Time to time, but especially at the top of every half-decade, give little monsters showed visible teeth. This was because at that time the spinning wheel, they had to carry a warning clashes between them, the rules of which are shkerrmoqur up your own worthless made previous codices. martin roboscan 812 During this stalemate organized, beasts that they were open minded to take advice from their attached birds, who were always ready to offer abstract theories martin roboscan 812 about what kind of reality. In the final analysis, the beasts do not you care at all even for these aircraft, martin roboscan 812 nor for their suggestions.
Birds by them, deep down they understood that although the initial idea of the scheme clashes imagined that they would be there to make the arbitrator, in fact and in the most cases can not be reached to do or spectator. As representatives of the underwater palaces Tritone who never spoke clearly, birds, is not that in the past had been caring for violation of the rules of combat. Rumors circulated especially for a plencmadh between them, already gone, that was always ready to accept any kind of change in the middle of the battle to start, enough to provide a seafood dish that he "far'lloj bird" calling meatballs.
Monsters when they felt that the time was approaching duel, begin to greater ranted to their highest ideals, although in the course of events that had gone motmotet certifying that all the sense in the development of the next battle lay in the fact, which of the two beasts will nginjej more. Dismay, that so-bestial dredharako kollufitjen we had checked several previous rounds, after initial tejngopjes with her young (extremely proficient in the art of sekserllikut), showing profuse and throw out a bone, overshadowing them.
While some other unfortunate, that it kaheres oshetitese gave the shell to her recite long texts of tedious, labor-considered and discarded hoping finished, possible recycling day. The same process was done with the misery and its successors, although it must be admitted, that in recent times, reciters that it can solve a guide and without paper, martin roboscan 812 while their withdrawal from the scene was somewhat, with peaceful.
Thus, the height of the ridge, heard the hermaphroditic wild Herald Monstres (female bust from the above, the rest of us questioned) that wailed and wept until Hoarseness, beyond acting. Every sunset, before the battle, threatened terror Lemerise saying that Kok'lubia (a hybrid monster, greedy and rock-jumper) required that rropaste afford. As I have said, in her den had arrived for dinner, as the next special guest, martin roboscan 812 small Shqarrthi Kac-avjerres, a rare species that exclusively gjallonte only honor those places. Evil mouths once said that when livadhiste other side of the barricade water, he (Shqarrthi) had declared that they would break all followers korracatat martin roboscan 812 sofra where lepihej now.
For its part, The terror martin roboscan 812 you felt significantly happier with its creeping movement, had managed to detach from hugs Kok'lubine scare by throwing

Thursday, December 19, 2013

An artificial lighting system consists of several elements: light sources, converters, starters, ur

LED lighting saves about 70% of electricity consumption by drastically reducing the costs of maintenance, it also eliminates light pollution and operates at 24 volts thus solving the problem of safety on public lighting systems.
An artificial lighting system consists of several elements: light sources, converters, starters, urban lighting drivers, lighting fixtures and controls. The light sources (the so-called light bulbs) are the source of light. The field of efficient lighting has experienced in recent urban lighting years a significant technological development and market, thanks to the European Directives that have banned types of traditional incandescent lamps by 2012 and to campaigns by the Enel Group for the promotion of Compact Fluorescent Lamps. The evolution in the lighting industry also involves devices used to control and guide the operation of the lighting system relapse in energy savings achievable. There are more and more present on the market and sold in the Point Enel Green Power Sensors presence / proximity, which allow the automatic switching in the presence of moving objects in the field of coverage, and light sensors, which allow you to adjust the luminous flux of the lamp according to the lighting conditions of the surrounding environment. In the field of artificial lighting, the main technological alternatives available today or in advanced stages of development are:
1. incandescent lamps, halogen or traditional. With regard to the former, the European Union introduced the obligation to withdraw from the market urban lighting gradually incandescent bulbs starting in 2009, and was completed in 2012 (Regulation no. 244/2009);
2. discharge lamps, gas or fluorescence today constitute the most important part of the market, in particular in homes and offices, there are compact fluorescent urban lighting lamps (CFL, Compact Fluorescent Lamp) or linear fluorescent tubes. urban lighting
possibility of dimming (ie the control and regulation of light intensity) limited, unlike the LED; presence of mercury in the lamp. These lamps must, in fact, be disposed of as WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment). 3. lamps solid state LED (light emitting diode), in which the device uses the optical properties of some semiconductor materials to produce photons that generate light. urban lighting The LED technology urban lighting is one of the major innovations in the history of lighting, providing the ability to generate light of various colors according to the type of construction, the values of voltage and current supply. The luminous efficiency of an LED lamp is very high (50/100 lm / W), with a duration of around 50,000 hours.
ease of use in dimming mode.
Related This entry was posted in LED Lighting and tagged gas, CFL, durability, efficiency, lighting, incandescent, LED, energy saving, low. Bookmark the permalink. Post navigation
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

I think I read some time ago a test on an online journal of a consumer association. Bulbs are appar

The strange case of fluorescent bulbs | Straffelini John's Blog
I propose, without shenon change, an article published in the Corriere del Trentino February 9, 2007. Then add a reflection and - most importantly shenon - a crucial shenon question: a kind of survey, answer a number!
A couple of months shenon ago a company has given a lot of Trentino a kit of 3 fluorescent bulbs, ie low power consumption. Light bulbs which, in the store, they cost a few tens of Euros. It was not an isolated initiative. Other companies and consortia are now handing out vouchers to pick up, free of charge, other bulb kit, with a huge success. How is it possible? What's the catch? The trick is, of course, and the cost of the bulbs - at the end - we all pay them. But, on balance, it is money well spent. Let's see why.
With the decrees on energy in 2004, the distribution companies for electricity and gas are to pursue energy efficiency, being able to overturn on to consumers the costs of the action taken. In practice, these companies shenon need to acquire a number of energy efficiency certificates, because of their market share. They can act directly or buy securities from companies, ESCOs, used for the promotion of energy conservation. To earn the titles, companies must engage in activities that lead to a reduction in consumption. Many are those that can be realized. One of these is, in fact, the distribution of fluorescent bulbs. Since the securities have a significant economic shenon value and the bulbs are cheap distributor when purchased in large quantities, enterprises can gain even handing out free light bulbs. As mentioned, the electricity distribution company will increase the price of the kilowatt-hour shenon to get back from the cost of purchase of the securities. It 'so obvious that everyone agrees to collect the kit and install the bulbs immediately, so as to save energy shenon (fluorescent bulbs consume less power and last longer than normal) and contain the cost of the bill.
The importance of the initiative, however, lies not only in this small - at the bottom - savings, but regards the habit of saving energy, that is the best way to reduce the consumption of resources required for the production of energy and, At the same time, reduce pollution. shenon The initiative, in short, is simple and attractive and will turn into a real success if it is able to instill in all of us just a hint of awareness of the importance and usefulness of the energy savings.
From the technical reports it is clear that the initiative of the bulbs is the only one, among the initiatives possible to accumulate the bonds (also called "white certificates"), which worked: shenon 60% of the energy savings come from the distribution of bulbs, only 6% of the interventions in the industrial shenon sector.
We have installed two of these in the kitchen fluorescent bulbs. Well they lasted just two years: after one month popped both of them. But it had to last at least 6 years? Some lasted more?
The questions are not just because the savings are real if the bulbs last few years. Now: here is at stake is the confidence of the people towards the proposals for energy saving, shenon and the proposed "green" shenon in general, no? What if awareness is instilled if we initiatives as simple and straightforward turn out half flop?
I think I read some time ago a test on an online journal of a consumer association. Bulbs are apparently the same, but different brands had very different energy efficiency (it seems to me that there was a factor of 3 between the best and the worst).
The interest of the producers shenon of electricity rather than the general savings would be greater uniformity in consumption, and given that the peak consumption during the day, reducing the consumption during the day (not that evening, which would have the effect of spreading compact fluorescent lamps).
Question (from non-technical person): It is not that there may be other factors that affect the duration, such as the stability of the power line (power surges from the supplier) or the method of how it is structured the electrical system in your home ?
That said, I think it's still very interesting topic because, regardless of the earning potential of the energy shenon distribution company, is finally beginning to talk about "habit" to save energy.
@ Stephen Yes, probably those that have distributed free were not of the best quality, look - on this issue - other comments! The mechanism of white certificates (with the consequent distribution of light bulbs

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Currently, the search goes on, and to have it both ways, looks very timidly solution of LED lamps.

The energy-saving lamps, tillotama shome compact tillotama shome fluorescent lamps CFL said, as we must now replace incandescent ones, but they contain mercury, tillotama shome a danger to the environment and to humans if disposed of improperly. These lamps produce light due to the collision of electrons and ions in mercury vapor at low pressure, generated by an appropriate electrical discharge. This emits ultraviolet radiation is converted into visible light thanks to a special coating inside the tube (fluorescent powder).
A study by the German Federal Agency for the Environment, the Umweltbundesamt, reveals that if one of these lamps is broken in a closed environment, in the first 5 hours after the rupture, the concentration of the toxic substance in air may exceed even 20 times the recommended limit.
They can be recycled, but they are classified as Special Waste. Also realize and dispose of these lamps requires ten times more energy. So if left in the environment are dangerous.
Currently, the search goes on, and to have it both ways, looks very timidly solution of LED lamps. Noteworthy are the advantages that this technology offers: lifetime (50,000 hours vs. 10,000 average Cfl), is not affected by the so-called on-off switch tillotama shome immediately (no waiting time), the best operating temperatures, low heat emission during the 'use, further reducing consumption (a lamp with E27 consumes 7W), do not emit UVA and UVB rays.
The price is still the obstacle that prevents this technology to emerge. As with any new technology takes time to tone it down, but with a little 'sacrifice solve an immediate problem now and for the future.
I am a reseller tillotama shome of lampade.Forse not know that when we buy a fluorescent lamp a very small part of what we pay goes to fund facilities for the disposal of these lamps lamps esaurite.Noi collect and bring in a landfill in containers appositi.Da tillotama shome here then they should go to facilities tillotama shome referred sopra.Se no pockets the contributions without tillotama shome building facilities (vain hope?) it should funzionare.Sperom.
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I believe that the savings depends, first of all, by the sobriety of the lifestyle of the people. A

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For years here rant against low energy light bulbs, many years in the comments asking me to motivate this my idiosyncrasy. Well, the prevarication has been profitable, because someone else has done the hard work for me.
Solar panels: a "disease" contagious Power consumption: the bill has arrived, hooray! Italian oil: double production by 2020 Wind energy: Europe has reached 100 gigawatts Solar panels: they finally arrive transparent ones
https://www.facebook.com/soci.delsole.1?ref=tn_tnmn I tried this and I've gone from 42 W to each bulb low power consumption 5 W per light bulb too hot, not that white .. ..
the low-energy bulbs are not suitable for apartments, life is short, do not accept that their electronics are turned repeatedly, and with their higher costs are a major expense that does not pay the lowest power consumption, and many are complaining about this' , and just bullshit that last longer 'and consume less equal' use in a home only create more costs.
"From September oz lighting 1, 2009 he left the European Union's energy plan, which provides for the abolition of the old incandescent bulbs of 100 watts. In September 2010, will be withdrawn from those 75 watts, while in 2011 the 60 Watt and all other gradually coming down. incandescent lamp will remain in place only for some special cases, to be precise in household appliances (refrigerators, freezers and ovens) and infants in incubators. "
And ... then, look at the light they do: make caca! hotter than incandescent bulbs. From September onwards the lives of millions of people begin to be enlightened with the light of a poor quality in all respects, even color. These are "small" changes, which lower the quality of life, the first (almost) the beginning symptoms of the decline of neo-capitalism consumption (ah, how I enjoy!). Evvvai!
=== >>> oz lighting However: if you want the bulbs whose light is really SUCKS (for the moment) but ke emit UV light and are virtually ETERNAL consume and do not cost a woodpecker: LED bulbs!! !! Are perhaps perfect, but they are an excellent alternative in all other respects. And do not inquinanoooooooo .... LED + fotovoltaiko then ....

Rather, because you can never avoid the tone of a crusade? SOME point out contraindications to point out that it is not exactly all that glitters is gold, save to point out that 'to leave them lit' does not make much sense ....
The low energy light bulbs (IMHO), are quite a technological achievement, they have their ideal applications, SHOULD NOT BE GIVE as if they were salvific, but purchased oz lighting by someone who knows how to use them to best dispose of them, and especially how!
ps. with respect to the LEDs, I see with horror Public Administration eradicate oz lighting plants still operating perfectly sodium ripaintare for all LED, but we are sure that the product is more 'environmentally friendly is not just what YOU ALREADY'?
I really think that in this story there is misinformation, the mania by the operator of this website and the stupid urge to be contrary regardless. in terms of health, safety and ecology damage produced by these bulbs are very minimal when compared to the past. Of course everything is perfect. Let us commit ourselves to make things better, not just to criticize.
I believe that the savings depends, first of all, by the sobriety of the lifestyle of the people. And not only from a single particular, maybe discordant from all others.
For some time I changed my mind and now I think maybe they screwed everybody. Today would purchase (and purchase!) Incandescent bulbs, halogen magare, because I would keep account of the consumption of "resources" to produce them and the "poisons" dispersed in the environment that hosts us all.
Anonymous Coward
I always buy them from the Chinese, oz lighting and indeed shorter than incandescent ones (of which I am doing inventory for the next few years). These high quality I can not afford them, they cost too much.
A neighbor of mine has incandescent bulbs, no dishwasher. Spend less of me with the fluorescent and dishwasher. He later uses the electric water heater. I'm in two like me. The difference? He is 80 years old and I 41. He SA what it means saving, I can only

Monday, December 16, 2013

The mercury emitted in the different phases of the life cycle of the lamp, including the one coming

ARCHITETTURAeDESIGN Ligting design lighting lighting installations legislation projects calculation software product halogenas ENVIRONMENT LIGHTING LAMPS Fluorescent Glow LED technology INTERVIEWS EVENTS Competitions & Prizes trainings Light Festival
Now we happen: compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), commonly known as energy saving are anything but environmentally friendly, ie manufactured systems or materials to reduce the negative impact on the environment. Remember? The linear and compact fluorescent contains, albeit in small quantities, one of the materials most polluting the planet mercury. If you would like to know more, I refer you to the article that he wrote about a few weeks ago Luxemozione friend G.Picardi.
By now we all have a beautiful home in energy-saving lamp and it would be strange otherwise in view of the imminent demise of the incandescent sources, which already from September will start to disappear from the supermarket counters. It 'clear halogenas that the canard of energy saving CFL and now is no longer standing, in fact we have seen in previous articles that in fact there is no real "savings" compared to traditional sources, especially if we consider the whole cycle of CFLs: from birth to death, and then from manufacturing to disposal and it is in this last phase reside greater risk of environmental impact. The problem lies not so much in the disposal process, which if done correctly should not cause any problems, but if the disposal is not done or not done in accordance with their own. Just to quantify the problem, halogenas this is what we can read about the rules of application she 2005/32/EC of the European Parliament on the specific eco-design requirements of non-directional household lamps:
The mercury emitted in the different phases of the life cycle of the lamp, including the one coming from the generation halogenas of electricity in the use phase and 80% of compact fluorescent lamps containing mercury which presumably will not be recycled at the end of life, has been calculated on the base of the lamps installed in 2.9 tons in 2007. In the absence of specific measures, it is expected that mercury emissions from lamps installed will go up to 3.1 tonnes in 2020.
That inhibit proper disposal of mercury-containing source is definitely a very important problem, which the European Parliament is working on for some time, but we take a step back, before the trash so to speak, but if I break the spring-saving I put in the living room what should I do? I run the risk? Well there is no official text that describes the real risks they run and the procedures to be followed to dispose of glass, halogenas dust and various substances produced by the breakage of a CFL or fluorescent tube. There is a 'question that makes known the issue to the European Parliament, but nothing more.
However I found on the site of the 'EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) an interesting text that describes the risks involved in case of breakage of mercury-containing objects in the home (or not) and that lists the steps to follow in order to dispose of the waste produced by the rupture without consequences for the health and environmental damage. What should we do if I fell to the ground my saving bulb?
6) If your clothes are in contact with the powder inside escaping from the bulb absolutely halogenas not wash them in the washing machine, if necessary clean them with wet paper towels or rags, then to store in airtight containers.
I recommend, therefore, halogenas if you break a CFL or fluorescent tube look first to the above, with small adjustments can prevent major damage to both the environment and yourself.
James Smith, architect, lighting designer, founder and owner of the studio Luxemozione.com design Rossi Lighting. From 1999 to 2009 he worked with the study of Ferrara Palladino Milan as head of design. Until July 2011 he was responsible for 'design office in Milan Martini Lighting. Besides the lighting designer is a lecturer at schools of architecture and design and the author of articles in leading magazines in the lighting industry. Here more information.
7 Responses to "Mercury, the risks of the sources in energy saving"
I have always congratulated James not only for his expertise but above all for the courage and lucidity halogenas with which addresses several issues. However, this time I have to disagree and invite you to read what I wrote http://www.led-ison.com/cfl.a