Hi! I've a problem with a new Lightmaxx LED RGB wall washer. The bar work's good in stand alone mode and also in DMX mode but only if you use the internal fix colours, or the colour change programs. If you try to use it in dimmer mode all led's are flashing in any value of dimmer channel. richard ferber I try with an Avolites pearl expert and pearl 2004, patch it like a fixture (eurolite led bar 252/10 is the same) and like dimmer channel. The problem is exactly the same.. Does anyone know something about? Back to top of the page up there ^
Group: Members Posts: 1 Joined: 02-April 10
Thanks but I always did that. The same problem.. hola, no se si hablas espa ol sino lo haces intento traduccion. A mi m pasa lo mismo con las Lightmaxx richard ferber bar encontraste alguna solucion? gracias Moderation: Google translator gives this as "hello, richard ferber do not speak Spanish but if you do attempt a translation. As I'm so with the bar Lightmaxx find a solution? thanks" which doesn't seem to help the thread along very much. Did you have anything to add? Moderation: I got a fluent friend to translate and it comes out a bit better: "Hi, I don't know if you speak spanish, but if you don't, I'll try to translate. The same thing happens to me with the Lightmaxx bar. Have you found a solution? Thanks!" ....so this poster has the same problem and is also looking for a solution. richard ferber However, to the poster, if you can translate, in future it would be better to do so as this is an English language board--and my friend lives about 8 time zones away so won't always be there!
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