Thursday, August 7, 2014

The lack of humanity of this company and the policy of indiscriminate cuts has led to thousands of

The Poverty Alliance Energy occupies an office Endesa and force a meeting with management | Acampadabcn
An alliance of groups ampoule opener in order to stop the cuts; that despite the great benefits of energy companies, no family should have thirst, ampoule opener or being cold to live in darkness.
Today we have occupied an office Endesa's electricity demand to stop the "indiscriminate policy" of cuts. They managed to call a meeting for tomorrow with the director of Endesa in Catalonia.
The occupation of the office of Endesa Gran Via Balmes 400 people have been part of groups that are part of the Alliance, among others PAH, Iaioflautes, ampoule opener Platform ampoule opener Water is Life, the Federation of Neighbourhood of Barcelona, the Consumers Union of Catalonia ...
"Citizens' movements claim that nobody is left without basic supplies", "Ocupan office Endesa Barcelona against them in light of courtly families without resources" ... these are the owners of some media.
For more information ampoule opener follow the links to search Twitter for 'Poverty Alliance' and 'DretsALesFosques'. You will find pictures, links to media articles, etc.
The 'revolving doors' between the electricity sector and political parties are obvious. Regulation 'a la carte' laws and regulations affecting the electricity sector is the main explanation.
The Poverty Alliance Energy deal today its Endesa, which provides service to most of the Catalans to report power outages suffered by hundreds of thousands of homes in Catalonia, and said enough to the violation fundamental rights that multinational done without any sensitivity systematically. In 2012 power outages affected 1.4 million households in Spain, 524,000 were in Catalonia.
Households as of Encarna, since July 2013 can not pay electricity and gas bills, and survive a salary of 426 a month. The Encarna is a disease that forced him to sleep on a machine connected to prevent sudden death. Or the Raphael, who cut Endesa has released this February is diabetic and needs insulin to keep in the fridge, also suffers from sleep apnea and requires ampoule opener forced air supply to sleep at night. Jose will have to cut gas and electricity bills pending 5, daughter is diabetic ampoule opener and also fears an imminent outage.
The lack of humanity of this company and the policy of indiscriminate cuts has led to thousands of families in a situation of total social exclusion, depriving many people of the most basic and essential needs for a decent life are as warm up , able to cook or shower with hot water. So while the state there are 7 billion people suffer fuel poverty that caused premature death in the winter between 2300 and 9000 people, ampoule opener oligopoly electricity (Endesa, Gas Natural-Fenosa, Iberdrola EON Spain EDP) for the first 3 quarters ampoule opener of 7638 M in 2013 earned profit, twice the profit margin that the European ampoule opener power, and some of them offshore. A cartel since 2003 has risen by 83% the price of electricity.
Endesa has not only shown no interest in providing for families who could not take bills may qualify for the winter truce, but that was the only distributor that was completely inaccessible to the demands of citizens and closed eyes repeatedly before Encarna cases such as where there are lives at stake included. This Italian multinational won 1,879 million profit in 2013 ENDESA has thus spare capacity to cover the cost of ensuring the accessibility of services to the whole population. If this guarantee is not produced by a manifest lack of greed and a desire for this company, which is enhanced by the involvement of the ruling class.
An example of this unwillingness to solve energy poverty found in the resolutions taken at the Plenary Assembly devoted Poverty Week. In him we have seen a government that took a few months ampoule opener to introduce omnibus ampoule opener legislation amending 80 laws a stroke now wants to convince us that needs six months to a decree extending the president of the Generalitat labeled inadequate. A decree adds, "ineffective", which could only have been few tens of host families. Therefore, from 1 April will be stripping

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