Saturday, February 14, 2015

By contrast, former Interior Minister Dzintars Jaundžeikars (LPP / LC), which is led by the Ministr

Although the "For a Good Latvia" (PLL) believe that the Minister of Interior Linda Mūrniece (JL, "Unity") of the underlying Jēkbapilī take full responsibility for this political force nationals former spaulding lighting Minister Mūrniece handle different place.
Former Interior Minister Marek Segliņš (TP), which is led by the Ministry of Interior in two governments - from May 2000 to October 2002 and from December 2007 to March 2009, said that "the political responsibility is not always retreat ". According to him, now the Minister of Interior responsible management ,. should be clarified, as the frames are selected to work the police and the "Alpha". The system should be able to find out who these men was verified and accepted. "It is a great neglect of people at work," said Segliņš, indicating that they have no place in the MoI.
Asked whether he Mūrniece place in this case as the first suspend the State Police Riga Region Administration chief Ints Kuzis replied spaulding lighting evasively, stating that "Kuzis always leaves a good impression of a police officer." Segliņš expressed the view that at present it is not appropriate to "strike ministers" because Mūrniece spaulding lighting resignation would not solve anything. "What would be if Mūrniece place to come [Parliamentary Defence and Internal Affairs Committee Head Ainars] Latkovskis?" Asked Segliņš, stating "if Mūrniece be drunk and where pakritusi" then would ask her to resign, but not on a case where his not guilty.
By contrast, former Interior Minister Dzintars Jaundžeikars (LPP / LC), which is led by the Ministry of the Interior, 2005 November 2006 November said that when he was a minister, "New Era" spaulding lighting three times called for his resignation, the including cases in which police officers themselves spaulding lighting caught bribe-giver riot. "This is a huge double-dealing," said Jaundžeikars, indicating that the same Mūrniece place in this case depart. "I depart from office, regardless of how long have worked," said Jaundžeikars. In his view, what happened is not a sudden tragedy, but a long-term disorder in the system - especially the police. He believes that much of the criticism is deserved for the work of the State Police Internal Control Office, whose remit is to detect a possible police involvement in organized crime structures or other violations of the law. "Mūrniece had to leave the position, as well as her husband was led by sustained internal security offices," said Jaundžeikars.
Former spaulding lighting Interior Minister Ivars Godmanis (LPP / LC) said the same, the performance of these duties, survived a serious situation - in a nursing home "Regi" fire, the former President of the Parliament and the State Security spaulding lighting Service officer Edgar jumping Swan River Daugava, but believes that Mūrniece spaulding lighting after this event should not resign. "I defend that to run away, I would ask very carefully watch the professionals ... on the one hand is to get rid of people spaulding lighting who work in the following .., on the other - must be careful that you do not lose valuable people," said Godmanis.
Already, reported that the Interior Minister Linda Mūrniece (JL, "Unity") stresses that assumes spaulding lighting full responsibility for what happened and is doing everything to ensure that such "rascals" Police would not work anymore. Also, Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis (New Era, "Unity") believes that there are no grounds for requesting the resignation Mūrniece.
+20 3 ANSWERS TO ANSWER 26, 2011 12:59
Ebenemezers Jaundžeikars been feneomens do not know any ministers who taa buutu staaveejis on your own with narkotikaam apdullinaajušos deeliņu, then counting the number of police officers were vainiigi deeliņa apmelošanaa, turklaat deeliņš was caught driving with teetaes Service spaulding lighting VAAGA if I'm not mistaken, this is already either activate a special vajadzeeja mouth open neveert ...

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