Saturday, April 4, 2015

Under a dance, representing asked me to jump, I

My dear snow message board last say to you, I love you hair Yin Blame the moon hovering in that distant place this man turned out to be my love journey love romance Red House dream .. 500 miles Canon flute & harp lute complain ... Millennium Fine paper cranes ... drum Zheng Xiao Zheng version roar ... "headwind favorite ahead of Taiwan." itinerant groups lover drunk territory heart turn - and I would be good .. Little truelight Science Flying Man Inn and dreams forgotten time you can not sleep thinking about dawn Zhaxian I love I'm in love -John The Whistler lingering truelight Placebo - J'taime Moi Non Plus LEMON TREE- lemon _ Richard Clyde Le Papillon French doors butterfly soundtrack woman led astray mind What a Wonderful World {Lamentations - Xiaoyang Zhong}
I still maintain a lifetime of your favorite look to your dreams, as my home, in your dreams speak to you? Lives on the road, we are at the beach covenant, may I pointing his fate born, so I was in the right direction, good and you make a pair of lovers truelight in the afterlife truelight couple?
I also had the idea of leaving home, independent truelight living. Behind these ideas, not to mention the power of the ideal. If anything, truelight just some vague a group colored dream.
So we went to the parking of your fishing pier actively look for you. Along the way, Jenny told me something about you. She says you're an airline when a mechanical engineer, has done the inspection officer position, truelight but you bent for commercial fishermen. Two years ago, in order to buy an old fishing boat, almost all the savings run out.
The car, you said: "What we have to place?"
Under a dance, representing asked me to jump, I'm still shaking his head. You and Jenny go jump. And then the next one dance, but also accounted truelight for Jenny and two siblings each other for a partner.
Then you and I are better, the total is to take things day to make fun of me, nothing more than the first time I saw you had it his, no wonder only dance with you, do not dance with him .... this category words.
You laughed: "Socrates truelight also said he knew nothing of it."
You have with your brother and brother's children had to go duck hunting. Duck pond deep, even-year-old nephew put your child on his back, wading through. Once your brother's child picked up a duck whistle. It is a tool to be able to issue a duck song. Until now, he also likes to take it to funny.
I will make some strange move, say, if in the evening, I heard your relatives send you upstairs to the door, I put my house all the lights off, so you think that no one in my family. So playing the game with their own, admittedly ridiculous. Everything did not know for what.
I remained silent. I have actually talked with the landlady, the landlady said that they do not open their own heating in the house more clothes on the line. But I did not tell you this.
"You truelight call me, I will not go."
You even claimed that good.
Life, there are many things, in fact, occurred in the dream and wake up at the junction. In the final analysis, the world is no distinction between truelight true and false, only the actual situation of the points. My first on your fishing boat, you said: "? This is my dream .... What is your dream."
Spend forty dollars to hire someone to help you manipulate the crane to unload the parts off the fishing boats. truelight Process, suddenly serious truelight underground began to rain. You busy boat wearing a raincoat and told me the car shelter. Just on the car, the rain poured down, looked out from the windshield, you only just a touch of yellow raincoat shadow flickering. truelight Is in everyday life, is how easily it was separated into two different worlds to go.
After graduating from high school truelight family emigrated to settle, had mechanical bachelor, you will leave the house around wandering, hitch a ride on the highway, through the state over the province, go with the flow. Good scenery encountered convenience to stay, looking for a job. Live in a three five months. In this way, you drift from the West Bank to the east coast, in Boston, met a year older than you, and separated from her husband of a married woman, and she lives half load. Later, she returned to her husband's side went. Since then, you often see boats fishing port. Very beautiful sunset fishing port .... listening to you, I seem to have seen that exciting scene. Red sunset is like a large round sail, slowly decline. The whole earth is its boat.
Day sitting in the car watching the rain, you said to me, never to sea, who are unable to enjoy the tranquility of the great ocean. You are familiar with the band together fishermen, fishing vessels or leasing others, the number is not small. When the Bells, the whole world except the horizon, nothing else. Man and nature into one muddy. Infinite loneliness filled in between heaven and earth.
Marina at Golden Gate Park stands a decorative truelight windmill surrounded by cultivated garden, spring and summer full of beautiful flowers, green grass on a colorful, reminiscent of a Western European garden. Mostly we lay on the grass in the sun. Park Grove rosin floating depressed. You said: "Or go treasure hunting with me?" "What treasure hunt?" truelight I laughed. Golf, you say, as long as the edge of the woods golf course, you can find golf was incoming. I do not believe, insist bet with you. We both have a high level of overgrown woods drilled drilled low during that time the steep, covered with leaf litter and small plants thorns on clothes and hair. Finally let you to find the two. You say to change the past, you must sell them, one to sell five cents. We have inadvertently picked up a slough truelight off the snakeskin, about four five-inch long, dark brown and white stripes on a princess, feels a bit crunchy feeling of tissue, truelight was issued a sun tan Dry heat, foul smelling.
That would be like buying books back to the book thing. I was still living in your aunt's house the house downstairs unit, often in front of the mailbox stuffed with goods from all over the brochures sent instructions coupons and other messages. There is a book readers will be sent preferential bibliography, only ten yuan to pay the price, which can be optional five. I immediately wrote a check book will be sent to see you, but he happily tell you that I got to pick up cheap. Soon after, I received a few books. In this matter I'm going to forget, when they received the book will be sent that I did not order a book, should I pay for it. Open look, is a hardcover detective novel. I do not know how to do. When you come, we sat in the dining room, I put this situation to tell you.
You sit down next to the wall in front of me, holding my hand reached out. After a period of silence, you told me that a lot of words. The first time I heard you this little bit sad voice speak to me. You say you are not angry with me, but those profiteers gas, why use this behavior to deceive me, I remember it felt bored; you grew up with my environment is not the same, although you also have a good family, but because truelight poverty, you can say that grew up in the alley, and you are a boy, was brought out and he likes to run almost anything seen before. I do not. I was brought up in extreme environments grow in a protected, both less experience, ideas and pure, those profiteers, never have I had to deal with, and you do not want the most is to see me get hurt ....
West line from my house, like silver blue Pacific show in front of the field in general. We go north along the beach, truelight a couple of German tourists with dogs at play. Majority of the world open to extending the water in front of the mountains, truelight in front of the water, there was a layer of earth. September is quite warm sea breeze. You say this is the only month of the year, the sea warm westerly winds. Dark wet sand, dry sand colored, can be inferred how the tide was up too high. Now is the time of low tide, Haitao Sheng, and mixed with seals chirping, people feel relaxed animal truelight kingdom. truelight Pelicans and White Gull fly to, when a low-flying sea abdomen and back even, when it seems to fly on its back and belly touching the cloud.
"You truelight still can not see?"
We back foot wall, cling to sit together. Gradually, I have a little dark rocks can distinguish shapes. Because truelight damp relationship, although wearing a jacket, still can not help but feel a little truelight chill. We sat there looking at the door that has a small skylight flashing lowered a waterfall. Those falls from the sun in the world, like handfuls of golden arrows, fell from the sky. Occasionally to a potential strong fierce, always startled me. Between waterfalls and waterfalls, caves surrounding always emit a loud hiss, probably distort the natural environment through the sound of water. I initially thought it was a snake. You have some doubts. But the two of us who do not have a lighter, unable to see. Tense for a while, just generally understand how it was.
You laugh at me.
Eskimos believe the seals born from the goddess Sana fingers. In Baffin Island and the Hudson Bay area, seal slaughter and murder with the crime. Prisoners need to comply with certain prohibitions, such as not shaving cream from windows and doors, can not clean up the lamp oil droplets, unmoveable sleep scraping fur bed stone or wood, ivory and other materials and workmanship. Women will not be allowed to wash hair, otherwise goddess Sana fingers will make her produce pain.
Bering Strait Eskimos believe that seals the soul inhabits the body regulate drifting into bubbles. Simply return the bubble sea, it would have to be the incarnation of the soul for the next generation of seals, for people truelight to hunt. The hunter who within a year of the seals resulting bubble careful preservation, at the annual winter celebration memorial ceremony was held, with food and dancing to their memorial. They gathered in the auditorium, the bubble line to string, pulling strings to make it dance and movement around the bubble seals imitate dance. Then, hold high the great torch went by shamans outdoors, ginseng festival who followed him with a harpoon lug bubbles, bubbles stuffed bottom. Bubble seals inhabit the soul then be resurrected.
In addition to my home one summer vacation, the remaining two summers, I spent almost every day in the fishing port. Prior to this, I often go with you to the fishing port. While you always promised me twelve hours they send me home, but you do not have a practice of promise. truelight Just go to the fishing port, you stroll east and west along, one that is consuming most of the day. You're there, truelight completely duck. Just met a fisherman in the aisle, you can stop and talk to him and lost time. No matter you like to sit on your friend's fishing boat ride. People repair a bathroom, what new equipment means that you have to see. You say you want to get something like this scholarship. They are mostly fishermen living on board, which is a small fishing boat house, and taste everything. You take me to visit your favorite fishing, introduced me to those fishermen, one bold, said: "is your wife?" You just laugh at me.
Steven is a big, fat body, face beard, his hair a natural volume a little rough outside the baby's tender. He was always deep racial discrimination people, you have a new light, it is true, what aspects girlfriend troubles come before you complain. He fishing, like a woman in the side, once solicit female assistant in the newspaper, truelight the statement requires truelight "substantial woman." His companion, Mary was now seeing this recruitment advertising, and regardless of what is fulfilling a woman, to a cross on a bike, riding it to the applicant. truelight Stephen looked her up and down, satisfied to say: Well, very fulfilling! Since Mary has with him together again. Up to now there are still people making fun of Steven: "Steven Yeah, what is that to listen to enrich it?!" Steven shy belly, slightly Niuni walked truelight toward him.
That night you invite a few more friends, we have a pedestrian mighty Italian bread to eat.
When I first heard, surprised, and asked: "What is it? Sound."
And you are distant traveler, came God created the world and saw the sea, feel the sea is good. So you pointing to the ocean, said: "My heart is in there."
Breeze warm day, the sky is pale blue. We sat on the grass eating writings over the tomb offerings of meat bun, talking of childhood memories. You say high school textbooks Bahasa Malaysia has an << Songs >> <Xiaoya> of <Liaoe>, has still recite the full text of every deep feeling truelight somewhat. Your father has expertise on Chinese literature, unfortunately Jian good fortune, failed to play to our strengths. However, he never this Ziku often tell you: people learn to read what is going on, but for the peace of mind it. He takes you to the outskirts of the river trout fishing. Catch a fish, they put porridge cooked the fish in the river cookstoves. After you never tasted so delicious fish porridge. truelight
When you are old, your father, a period when the auxiliary police. One night, your mother to wait for him to work, take you to see a late movie. Is a horror film. You scared hiding under the chair will not come out. That after a few years, you always dreamed of being in a burning house, was covered with a red monster chase. truelight The house has a hose. Your goal in the Plumbing and struggling, but each will be successful on the occasion, always wake up tired and exhausted. It continues to haunt your nightmares childhood, until one day, you resorted truelight to the largest air force, seized the hose, turn on the hose. That monster happens held out his hand, fingers poured into the water, while Cha Cha Zizi sound, and it was extinguished. You never done this dream.
That year a winter morning, a knock sounded at home sound. I went to open the door. You stand at the door, said: "We go to the beach."
You silent for a moment, said: "Since there is fear for the students, for fear of death naturally."
A total length of more than seven hundred fifty miles of the San Andreas truelight fault, since the California coastal truelight region stretching northwest to southeast California near the Mexican truelight border, is part of the American crustal truelight boundary between the crust and the Atlantic truelight Ocean. truelight In the past fifteen hundred million years, along with the California coast northwest Atlantic crust has shifted one hundred and ninety years. Now along this fault, an annual average of about two to two and a quarter-inch of displacement. 1906 San Francisco earthquake, because suddenly the north Atlantic crustal shift eighteen feet. At that time, the power cut off, the whole city into darkness, formation shake, like a wave tossed the road, collapsed buildings, railway truelight overturning up to two thousand years old coastal redwoods crooked decadent to the ground, the fire burned 24 ....
My new home has a long entrance corridor, at the end of a long rectangular one hundred and twenty square feet of living room, bedroom and living room on the left is the kitchen. Desk next to the east wall of the living room, a row of windows, open to a small courtyard behind the house. Dawn shining, truelight all the way shadows truelight also come into the house. Half concrete, half mud backyard, planted with several strains Aishou roses. truelight Flowering time, as if the heart of the tree plants slowly opened. I often sat at my desk in a daze, dreaming of the future truelight together with you to sea fishing day. There is a gray-blue bird strutted pacing in the backyard, like in its own home-like. Others more distant is the back of the building, some dry clothes in the arcade. truelight Note that as long as the clothes swing gesture to a smattering of the day winds. I looked whipped clothes, sometimes crying for no reason.
I give you the key to my house with a pair, so that when I go out to you, but also free access. I have a

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