Thursday, January 15, 2015

Main ingredients help skin cleansing is an enzyme called lysozyme, apple mountain resort capable of

Main ingredients help skin cleansing is an enzyme called lysozyme, apple mountain resort capable of killing bacteria deep cleanses the skin, very good for oily skin. Thanks to clean slime, tighten pores so the mask can prevent acne.
Wrinkles result is obnoxious to everyone, especially for girls. To eliminate this risk, you just need to use egg whites illuminate the eye area like a class "shirt" thick, to within a few hours and then wash your face.
Use 2 egg yolks and mix 3 teaspoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of flour into a thick substance. Use a cotton swab can wrap apply the mixture to your face. After 15 -20 minutes rinse with warm water. Both the egg yolks and whites are very good effect in the beauty.
C2: Mix egg yolk with honey and flour into a thick substance, used to wrap cotton apple mountain resort swab apply on the face, after 15-20 minutes wash with warm water .. Regularly applied to the face, not the cure acne individuals, but also avoid the bi parched skin in winter apple mountain resort days, more skin pale and smooth.
Beat egg whites with the lemon juice for 3 minutes. Apply the mixture directly onto the skin. Note avoiding the eye area. After 40 minutes, wash face with warm water. This mask suitable for oily skin. After washing the face, blot dry with a soft cloth skin, so apply moisturizer for oily skin immediately for best results.
Leaves skin soft, smooth accents always make an impression on the girl, wanted to get this one you use egg whites, add 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey and mix thoroughly then apply to hands for 15 minutes and rinse, then rub lotion on your hands. 1 time per week do you get hands "smooth as silk" white and pink
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