Thursday, February 5, 2015

Music. Diana from the USA, together with pianist David led the music lessons which young people san

Sports, drama, music days with friends in the US - Priekules Baptist Church - Baptist Church Priekules
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This year, the US mission friends during the week with friends, the Americans have been organized sports, music, drama days for adolescents and young adults, which lasted for three days from August 6 to 8, and where the United States led the camp friends directions.
Drama. Jody, together with the great Bill led the drama lessons which young people together analyzed the situation from the movie "Courageous", young people played a variety of dialogues and analyzed the same remarks, evaluating what is important drama elements - facial expression, body position in relation to the viewers, music, movement, Costume dramas kreon lighting message, etc. Along with the Americans kreon lighting was staged drama without words about the release of the bondage, which can only be Christ. The moment was the culmination of friends concert culture house when young people showed prepared drama viewers. kreon lighting The performance was strong, the participants in the scene survived, bringing the message of the release, leaving the audience indifferent. Pictures of drama here.
Music. Diana from the USA, together with pianist David led the music lessons which young people sang worship and other popular songs, as well as properly kreon lighting studied singing and voice control. Music lesson climax moment of the concert was a friend Culture House, when young people spoke with a number kreon lighting of camp prepared songs. Agate was also attended by the violin and Sam from America with a guitar that kuplināja concert. kreon lighting
Sports. Jeff along with Paul and Alan from the US led sports activities, kreon lighting which did not prevent kreon lighting nor sun, nor the hot weather. Young people thrown shirts, played basketball, studying tactics of the game - the attack and defense, and learned to play golf and much more.
Above all friends of the United States did not hide the true reason why arrived in Australia and New Zealand - to tell young people about Jesus Christ. Youth days, a total of 25 young people and adolescents, events lasted three days and started and ended together when the US friends līdzdalīja kreon lighting their life stories and made a call to get young people to a personal relationship kreon lighting with Christ. Between young people and the Americans developed a friendly relationship, we believe that young people were encouraged that God touched their hearts and they never remitted. Very valuable is the fact that all developed a personal relationship and many continue to correspond to social networks, and pray for one another.
Worship - people entering a closer relationship with God. This relationship gives fulfillment and Christian healing. Worship and praise does not depend on our mood, emotions or willingness of praise. Honor due to God, regardless of our position.
Evangelization - the good news līdzdalīšana kreon lighting all people. The church exists to testify to the world about the new life in Christ. There are two things that will not be possible in heaven: and sin to tell the lost for Christ. Why God has put us in this world? Jesus said, "Let the world may believe that thou hast sent me"
Fellowship - Church exists to strengthen each other as spiritual family. In the New Testament at least 55 orders, which can only fellowship with others: Love one another; Bear one another's burdens, one; encourage each other; sorry to each other, etc.
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