Saturday, April 25, 2015

In Vietnam, the plagiarism in scientific research to show moral, cultural, scientific research, cri

With club "As an education cleaner - FACE" Lotus University, Ho Chi Minh City cheering, encouraging students to respect copyright, anti-plagiarism. In pictures: Lotus University students learn about the activities of the club FACE - Photo: Minh Duc
ORI provides important information for those who do research and how to write scientific papers, the provisions of misconduct in science activities, information house history by address on the process of peer-reviewed scientific journals, house history by address instructions on how to avoid plagiarism ... There is an extremely important item of information about the investigation and conclusions about the plagiarism case. Through ORI, readers can denounce cases of plagiarism or misconduct in science they discovered.
Recently, dated 3-1-2012, ORI detect an act of plagiarism and data fabricated by two physicians. The information was publicly house history by address available on its website and in The Federal Register ORI,, arbitrage on the case of misconduct in science activities.
The first case, Prof. Mahesh Visvanathan the University of Kansas, who have research projects are the US National Institutes of Health funding, deliberately copied most of the research results of the three works were published by the other. The second case is Dr. Jennifer Jamieson, alumni Federal University of New York. This man had fabricated data in a file for funding, in an article being reviewed and in some reports.
In some developing countries, can see each university has room for scientific research, but to see what they can not see the information. Where there is some information about "How is scientific research," house history by address but also just scraped lack of system, or "scientific work" but the reality is not so. In a number of other universities have a list of international articles with topics of science, science projects ... But very rarely find information about "preserving the integrity of scientific research" a system.
May not need to have an ORI, but if you have the determination to preserve the environmental integrity of the science, the field should have relatively complete information house history by address on how to write a scientific house history by address paper, the provisions of misconduct left in scientific activities, information on the process house history by address of peer-reviewed scientific journal, list of international house history by address journals, instructions on how to avoid plagiarism ... These rules are generally applicable to the international scientific community Should the document imaging system is not difficult problem.
Website of Mathematics house history by address University of Cambridge (UK) has quite the "commitment of the mathematics department for currency plagiarism" with things like: What is plagiarism, plagiarism house history by address check, how to avoid plagiarism ... or the website of the University of Tilburg (Netherlands) have the "cheating and plagiarism" very detailed regulations on the forms of academic fraud, plagiarism in research and the sanctions. With such strict rules so as signs of plagiarism, they are processed very quickly and all the ...
Share with writer, Dr Phan Thanh Binh (Associate Professor, Director of the National University of Ho Chi Minh City) said: "This is a content unit that all scientific activities must take great care, especially universities and research institutes in developing countries. This problem has two aspects: intentional plagiarism is plagiarism and lack of understanding, not enough maturity in the field of cultural and scientific research. Since then the content should be implemented accordingly.
In Vietnam, the plagiarism in scientific research to show moral, cultural, scientific research, criticism and condemnation (even administrative sanctions) house history by address sternly. However, common and coherent process to examine this issue in the scientific basis is not set out in earnest, in particular ".
Dr. Bui Tran Phuong, head Hoa Sen University house history by address (HCM), strong voice: "Protecting the integrity house history by address of scientific research while protecting the integrity in general. The more educated people should be straight, clean ".
Dr. Phuong said the club FACE (As an education cleaner), launched in late 2010, emphasizes the goal of renewable faith community. FACE Lotus will launch a campaign to equip clear understanding, updated for faculty, students, management concepts, regulations and measures to ensure the integrity, house history by address respect for copyright, anti-religion documents, cited standards ... right before and simultaneously house history by address with the issuance of the specified handle.
The present systematic standards of integrity house history by address in scientific research house history by address on his website is the university and research institutes should do, to remind and warn the scientific team to keep the integrity of the scientific activity.
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