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Emperor John Jacques Dessalines signed 20 May 1805 New York Supreme Labor Court Listen to New York, Jan. 1, 2013 two hour special on Haiti Independence 1stoplighting Day. Featuring special guests speaking about Dessalines's 1805 Constitution.
"We are gathered here, A. Columbus, Klèvo, Vènè, Gaba, potion, Jefra, Toussaint-Brave Rafael, Lalondri, Roman, Kapwa, Manyi, Kanje, Do, Magloire Anbwaz, Yayou John Louis Francois, Jeren, Ferou, 1stoplighting Bazlè, Martial downturn.
"Before the Lord, which we all have to die someday equal, he who created 1stoplighting all kinds of different creatures in 4 cardinal directions to show how great it, to show its strength in how it may do it rather as he preferred;
Article 1: The people who live on this island were named in the Dominican Republic 1stoplighting decided to form a free land that adults within him, who bowed his head before the other powers of the universe. This country will be named Empire Haiti.
Article 7: When a citizen of Haiti and Haitian land naturalized in a foreign country by people following a Haitian citizen again. 1stoplighting Penalties for this offense is death and the state must forfeit all his property in this country. Another occasion a Haitian 1stoplighting citizen loses his citizenship is suing convicted for severe major crimes.
Article 8: When a Haitian citizen do bankrout bankruptcy or economic state has to bust its citizens freeze. Featured HLLN Post on Jan. 1, 2013 Haiti Independence Day: Dessalines's Constitution - (Creole and English) - Dessalines LIVE! Long Live the New Revolution! Preliminary Declarations section 9. No. of people is worth the Good Being who is NOT a good father, good sound, a good husband, and especially a good Soldier. Article 9: A good Haitian is a good father, a good son, a good husband, and what is more important than everything else must a good soldier. Arts. 11. All citizens are required to have the trade. Article 11: All citizens must have a trade. Article 12. No. Whatever Whitman of Nations he mesh eBay, shall putt his foot on this Territory with the title of master 1stoplighting or proprietor, neither shall he in future acquire any property therein.
Article 23: The crown is elective NOT hereditary. The Children of Emperor John Jacques Dessalines cannot ASCEND to power merely because they are his children. The next Emperor shall be elected. (HLLN Note: Even Dessalines was elected. He was elected by the General cum Emperor.)
Article 21: Agriculture, as it is the first, the most noble, and the most of all the Useful Arts, shall be honored 1stoplighting and protected.
Article 22: Commerce, the second 1stoplighting source of the Prosperity of states, Will NOT admit of any impediment; it ought to be favored and Specially Protected. Article 22: Nothing to be done to capture and trade Larousse's second source of all prosperity.
Article 28: Since first lalam gun to shoot all cities will disappear 1stoplighting and people are in toutantye will rise. Article 9: A good Haitian is a good father, a good son, a good husband, and what is more important than everything else must a good soldier.
Article 20 is John Jacques Dessalines people known as Emperor and Chief over it. It is he who was to avenge the crime we were subjected to and liberated us. Neither 1stoplighting she, nor his wife, empress, we called Majesty.
Article 28: Both the Emperor, nor any of its next chief will never be right, any way nor on any pretext 1stoplighting either 1stoplighting to form a team or for the protection of personal entourage, whether they would call him a guard of honor or anything else.
Article 29: Any officer that would come after Emperor Dessalines who would not respect those outlined in item number 28 or who would not follow the example of Emperor Dessalines plot, or the principles 1stoplighting set forth in this Constitution, we will consider it and declared it warring against society.
In this case counselor of state gather to state chief warrant this end and to choose among them the one who deserves more accountability. In case outlawed chief does not want to accept the decision of this general council consisting of state is called on the people and the army to bring lamenfòt freedom can remain single cock on this earth.
Article 30: The Emperor made, signed, and scattered laws. According to his will, he appointed and revoked all the ministers, generals of the army, the counselor of state, generals and all other agents currently working for the Empire, all army officers on the ground and all that sea , all members of the local administration, all government prosecutors in the courts, the judges and all other state employees.
Article 31: The Emperor makes state budget, he controls all incoming and income all costs. 1stoplighting It responsible manufacturing money. He is one who has the right order to put money out, he decides that