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M. Tahrmyrzayy - Diving is one of the exciting sports that are popular in many fields, require a little bit more fortunate and oppressed by the youth. To learn more about the exciting field of young talent scouting Shamsipour M. Branch, who went through years of work in this field colorful medals in the according to himself, the sport modares diving in hung neck West. He was invited to the office weekly. The diver was with him when he came. (Albeit slightly delayed). Young handsome and polite. Was wearing jeans and a t-shirt color. And surely address numbers all ahead of him sat the side.
It was in 1370 that the first official swimming gained. 79 years since I first got into diving training course was held under the Federation. 85-year period under cc cu ur Kish held Italy truly scholastic period I managed to get a degree.
A total of 20 Nfrym. Ladies and gentleman.
Our sport was very poor indeed. Swimming and water polo leagues too little address numbers TV show does. Iran water polo team from the age of 53 and now you're Asian or OLE or two. But not this TV Never shit. Documentaries address numbers that received dozens of dives, often late at night to an audience filled hours later and you're not.
Hyath next one. God made the universe in three dimensions. Heaven and earth and sea. We have narrated the hadith and that the more the wonders of the universe seas bottom. It also has been proven scientifically. The best weather conditions every 20 square meters of land area, it was a living address numbers organism. But in the sea, in a 20 square meter living. It's a wonderful world Nshvngr God.
Both day and night divers can be underwater. Variation in the depths of the sea a day and a night I had another variation. If a diver at a depth of 30 meters can be 6 or 7 hours in a day and a night dive after 3 to 4 hours. No restrictions.
Better to say instead of standard depth or scuba diving safe and dangerous. Aymnh diving to a depth of 40 meters, and the number will be considered high risk. If you go down to reasonable measure for recreational diving depth of 40 meters verse farce. The beauty of the sea where the sun comes up. The diversity address numbers of life is not that where sunlight.
I'm 79 years old I'm diving. I'm still scared to try scuba diving. (I think it goes), I still feel the time is right, one of the places that go to sea. I understand it is that you do not ask God to the world. When you get a great feeling of legs on the field, but it will be suspended, it becomes faith. In this field you have to be registered if two thousand to DAO can not say I'm lonely and need someone to do scuba diving. I'm sure your diving when I'm using a helper and assistant. Solo Diving banned altogether.
English-language underwater wireless Laymh though I also painted masks. The signs you see in common around the world. Just hearing the words. Hdyh Bresson's just that purpose. Underwater I do not want to talk about philosophical issues (laughter).
(It was the smile vanished from his face after the first interview) The first few years we have been working with the Red Cross and fire. Unfortunately, in the three years that the bodies of 13 people, the compatriots of being immersed in the water and pulled it out of my worst memories from my mind never does not clean up. Please enter it. People who are not familiar with swimming, even those who are aware that they do not know the water should never swim alone.
The staff that helped us to today. People are very cautious address numbers deserve it. I am a parent of a true personality address numbers that can not easily satisfied Frzndshvnv Bsparn my hands. address numbers But when we do, in terms of staff, the Khyalshvn easier.
Arak barriers you'll have to dive into it. Hndvdr Dam, Kamal Saleh, REVERSIBLE. Mqshvn because more than 10 meters. But nothing's beauty and diversity. Our first program Mvzshymvn the pool you're done. After the kids go to sea deliberately to the most beautiful places of the first experiments have shown Ghvasyshvn memories are everlasting.
Absolutely loved everything I ole priorities. In sports, jobs, education and life. I'm not sure, but I never forced the advantages and characteristics of Swimming say to him. Swimming only horizontally Vrzshyh who will be doing the same for all swimmers have a healthy cardiovascular system.
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