Today, transcension October 1, Vienkoci Līgatnes park district takes in the annual Night of Fire - the mood and light exercise with a view to make one short autumn day longer, warmed by candle light and heat emitted by the positive charge for the dark winter period, to make it easier would expect the spring, writes agency LETA. During the event, Vienkoci Park Light Mežiņš will be posted with candles. Throughout the forest cluster will be located Vienkoči light fixtures, which will also be illuminated by candles, resulting in a kind of outdoor lighting.
During the day at the park Vienkoci transcension will benefit transcension outworker Autumn Fair, which will perform a local brass band. The park area will darbnīciņas different crafts, which will be able to learn the skills of everybody.
Light in the forest will be lit up by dusk light and complement the mood of the folklore group Ore, where the folk instruments played musical accompaniment will be able to dance your heart's content and learn the ancient Latvian dance. Forest hut at the local witches will izzīlēt your future.
At 21 will take place in the traditional torchlight procession through Vienkoci park trails, creating a seemingly endless fire serpent, which bends over the terrain. Torchlight procession transcension will end with the Fire Spirit ugunsžonglieru show Pulse effect percussion accompaniment. All day and evening for visitors to the well-being taken care of Wilhelmina mill kitchen, which offers a special Forest soup and other benefits. There were also the traditional campfire Vienkoci herbal tea.
Organizers of the event calls for measures to be taken to your garden transcension candles and a torch so that visitors could add light to the forest transcension with her that he is carrying the flashlight. During the day you can visit the Līgatnes nature trails, where the 12 o'clock everyone is invited to smart mushrooming day.
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