Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kazemi Sharif Lighting director of Tehran raspberry bulbs International Conference pointed out that

According to the Ministry of Urban Beautification Organization of Tehran raspberry bulbs Municipality to introduce Lighting Conference lighting designs in the design of the urban environment and its importance in the revival of urban spaces familiar with the latest technologies raspberry bulbs and achievements in the night lighting and the introduction of new ways of lighting and the exchange of information, knowledge and experience between local and international experts and provide raspberry bulbs capabilities and potential in the field of lighting, the first international conference and exhibition of the 25 municipal urban lighting is the most important feature is the use of low energy and high power lighting in the city.
Kazemi Sharif Lighting director of Tehran raspberry bulbs International Conference pointed out that the urban world and the world renowned lighting professionals in the lighting industry and especially the Metropolitan Municipality Mayor of Mashhad, Mashhad, His Excellency Mr. P.'s International Conference and Exhibition are said to be trying to work The conference will be held in groups of scientific experts and expertise and can use the latest achievements of the world.
On Monday, 05/11/1343 coincided with Ramadan 19 (night) in the neighborhood West of Tehran in a religious family and was born of my youth in the community and at the center of a warm family .nvjvany With mother and father trying to track slowly. Having many problems in life (I said the problems in life rather difficult life) made me feel independent and all ages that I've lived through it once before. I still like all the problems in life, but mercifully not difficult life ....
Persian date Ordibehesht 1394 (7) Persian date Farvardin 1394 (4) Persian date Azar 1393 (2) Persian date Tir 1392 (7) Persian date Khordad 1392 (7) Persian date Bahman 1391 (2) Persian date Mehr 1391 (71) Persian date Mordad 1391 (3) Persian date Azar 1390 (4) the date Farvardin 1390 (1) Bahman 1389 (18) Seals 1389 (3) Khordad 1389 (6) Persian date Mordad 1388 (4) Persian date Khordad 1388 (19) Persian date Ordibehesht 1388 (49)

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