Monday, December 15, 2014

See related A clear: we do what we want to know the functionality

As every week, today we have a new section 20 conceptos " href= target = "_ blank"> in the end = "441" />
Activity must be recorded in the manifest file, as a component of an application. To do this, use the tags in the tag <application>. Moreover, within the activity, we want to do all we can declare our business and identify actions you can perform. <A href: As a basic example, the perceived euli activity and the action must launcher class = euli Data SLB- group = "129 459" data SLB active = "1" data SLB- internal = "0">
Reached this point, we have included it in, define an activity and principal activity appear as sets. But how to start an activity? For this we have two possible ways, but always use the method startActivity underlying intent: We will launch the activity is known, and usually our own application
See related A clear: we do what we want to know the functionality>
Furthermore, we have but a result of our previous activity . If so, use instead of startActivity startActivityForRe

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