Monday, March 2, 2015

ACG (3) adprint (4), BBDO (6) Blikk (3) wine (4) Brand Festival (7) Brasov (3) Budapest (7) party (

ACG (3) adprint (4), BBDO (6) Blikk (3) wine (4) Brand Festival (7) Brasov (3) Budapest (7) party (5) Cannes 2009 (33) Cannes 2010 (31) Cannes 2011 (7 ) ceems (4) CIB (3) Coca-Cola led clouding (9) danubius led clouding (3) DDB (7) Design (6) Djuice (3) droga5 (3) Epica (9) Facebook (6) wall (3) festival (3) film (7) flashmob (3) guerrilla (7) golden drum (43) winners (9) Heineken (3) Advertising (10) ikea (5) iphone (5) cable conference (3) Campaign (6) Christmas (3) awkward (4) conference (12) Book (3) közbeszorzás (3) public space (3) Creative (9) Reviews (4) USA (4) Hungarian tourism (3) brand (3) Marketing led clouding (16) McCann (3) mcdonalds ( 4) media (9) media hungary (3) mkmsz (3) mkrsz (3) art (7) Museum (3) nike (4) there is no better led clouding idea (3) women (3) Obama (3) off (3) online (3 ) origin (3) Russia (3), the country's image (3) outdoor (3) Pannonian (3) party (7) Pepsi (3) pony (3) Portoroz (7) PR (9) print (5) Radio (4) advertising (81) advertising week (3) advertising campaign (3) advertising conference led clouding (10) advertising competition (4) Commercial Music (4), Romania (5) Saatchi (3) press release (5) shortlist (3), hits (3) in Sopron led clouding (5) Island (3 ) Heart (3) szünyő (42) TBWA (5) reports (51), TV2 (5) t mobile (3) Agencies (10) Depression (3) funny (7) Video (4) Video (3) virus (14) Vodafone (4) webvideo conference (5) wtf (3) youtube (3) Music (7) Címkefelfő
Tiborfalvi Tibor: na So apologies to narrow three years later to speak, led clouding but it was not yet: My dear grandfather hun ... (. 06.21.2014 04:06) How many words are in the pussy? Pasture Ancestor: 1 to speak to a staff member so embarrassing in itself! 2. This menu is not a good price when you make a mistake ... Burger King Erno moods nitrophenyl (21.04.2014 16:38.): The Hungarian Product Facebook fan page link changed ( 09.03.2013. 17:55) What is the real Hungarian product? Fikulo: Poor woman died. (. 13.04.2013 00:39) Szalai Anna Mary's television no Kramp: Roll Eyes, I do not think anything of it ... genial anorexic Barbie doll explicitly scary. (ELN ... (10.01.2012. 14:56) Such is the Coast USA! Campaign
August led clouding 2012 (3) July 2012 (2) April 2012 (2) March 2012 (7) February led clouding 2012 (6) January 2012 (6) December 2011 (7) November 2011 (8) October 2011 (9), September 2011 (5) August 2011 (7) More ...
Is not that easy first fesztiválozóként get into Cannes good to parties, which this year is already less, and they are even more in the second half of the week, but it is a complicated procurement procedures may manage to get one, that one entrant on only one person in Cannes Lions nyitógálájára, what is known is held every year on the third day. Carlton Beach sands of the beach at sunset this time gather the world and their fellow creatives, great for eating, drinking, dancing and netwörkölnek, as it should be. Red carpet pier photo shoot into the sea cordon behind tourists at the entrance lángokádó flares, bunk trays full of stacked tables, white-jacketed waiters and the waves playing led clouding colorful lights, the palm trees behind the French Riviera luxury brand shops and bright five-star with hotels stitched at distributor - Cannes kitsch of luxurious enjoyment of life is one of the typical scenery, into which engulfed now playing a major role in the global advertising industry - right except the Eastern European region. Took the wine and beer - in the VIP section, where the great, the judges in the country representatives merry (our correspondents, Csaba Lukacs had viríthatott here) you probably other things as well, but this is still held in separate led clouding won high esteem lecsekkolni the end I could not press my ticket. I do not mind, slapping hilarious party of the common people, with about four thousand, mostly cap, plaid scarf, shirt, jacket, sneakers, to a lesser extent (pink) shirts, and partly eccentric, seemingly so eighty percent of male company.
The party soon beizzította the band's three singers acting, he has also been a DJ for all eternity to gather led clouding all the party music that everyone knows, but I do not get it herótot. There was great joy operation, dancing, merriment, the flash again flashed incessantly, depression, not a drop of signal decay. An Indian forties led clouding the waist-white hair said, the approximate fifty Brazilian television colleague who was filming a documentary, it's flight to the sweat still torn about the breezy beach too. Meanwhile, just grinned and kept saying how fantastic this thing at the Cannes advertising festival.
The three-quarter-past one sharp suddenly fall silent as a music drove through the crowd dropped to about half of the festival goers haunt, the Croisette and 72 in front of the opposing Martinez hotel bar. Here only swam in the 16 beer (or whatever) because of the generosity of the Austrian delegation, Cannes really unbeatable prices. Otherwise all Austrians gathered in great numbers, but they are also about. half as many as last year. According to them, otherwise you do not mind that we are not of them, because they really came out so at least k

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