So much has happened the pier in one day, as if I'd be here for a week in Berlin. In the morning we set off from Budapest Oravecz nori, and already at noon we landed in Germany. We stay in the city center, so you can easily reach everything in half an hour.
I was very excited because I've never been to Berlin Fashion Week could not wait to sit in there already performed live demonstrations and get to know the German the pier fashion. Two fashion show we were invited. First, a talented Austrian designer Marina Hoermanseder creations seen. After that the experience was part of us with insights into the Studio Kaprol first got backstage and VIP tickets for an international fashion event this öszönhetően observed in the second row of the fashion show., Which is a fantastic feeling for fashion bloggers. :) In the evening we were invited to the closing party, getting acquainted with German the pier and Austrian journalists and designers. the pier Adventurous route to the party ... and it took an hour before we found the event's location in East Berlin was one of the factory. Special atmosphere pervaded the place and everywhere ruined brick buildings, murals and rails ... Finally, a large hangar-like building for us, and costumed hostesses welcomed the guests at the end of the red carpet. We entered a large room where the event took place in the final. Throughout the evening, Austrian and German the pier journalists and influential fashion professionals, as we talked about, and it felt so good that everyone was kind and direct the pier us. Berlin is one of the many great benefits that go around the clock, and the subway is very easily possible to get home after midnight ... :)
Kisses, Festy So many things have happened During the day, it hurt Seems we have been here in Berlin for a week already. We left in the morning with Nora Budapest Oravecz the pier and we landed in Germany at noon. Our accommodation is in the city center so we can reach everything Easily the pier Within 15 minutes.
I was really excited Because I had never been to Berlin Fashion Week before so I could not wait to sit on the Shows and learn about German fashion. We were two Invited to Fashion Shows yesterday. At first, we checked the creations of the talented Austrian designer Marina Hoermanseder. Then, We had the opportunity to look at the backstage of Kaprol Studio, it was the first time I had received a VIP ticket for an international fashion event. We could watch the fashion show from the second the pier row Which is a fantastic feeling for the fashion blogger. :)
We got an invitation to the closing party at night we got to know the where German and Austrian journalists and designers. It was adventurous to get to the party ... It Took Almost an hour to find one of the old factory sites of East Berlin. The place of the military with a special atmosphere ruined brick building, wall paintings and railways tracks. Finally, we found the building like a huge hangar where clause masked the pier hostesses Were welcoming the guests the pier at the end of the red carpet. We Entered the large room where clause Took place the closing ceremony. We talk to a lot of fashion professionals, everybody was friendly and kind to us. One of the great Advantages of Berlin also harm the underground operates all night so you can get home very Easily Even after midnight. Comments: The comments user content within the meaning of the relevant legislation, technical services manager for them to not take any responsibility, they did not check. A case, please contact the editor of your blog. View the Terms of Use.
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