Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Anatomy oligo

Incandescent lamps is the oldest and one of the most popular forms of electric lighting. The name is derived from the method used by incandescent lamps produce light. This illumination pattern is seen from the thermal radiation of the heating of an object, either the sun, a lamp filament light, oligo or a candle wick.
Most people are familiar with incandescent-shaped bulbs that heat a tungsten filament inside a glass globe sealed. An electric current is passed through the bulb. This energy oligo transfer current to tungsten oligo atoms, which begins to heat. The tungsten filament is then heated to 4532 F (2500 C). If there was no oxygen in the sealed envelope, tungsten would ignite, most incandescent lamps are filled with a mixture of nitrogen and an inert gas such as argon.
The incandescent light is the result of the thermal radiation emitted by the filament. Approximately 12% of this radiation is visible light. This makes the incandescent one of the least energy efficient choice since most of the energy released is in the form of heat rather than light.
incandescent lighting has been around since the birth of the sun, but the light bulb has a much shorter history. Before the 19th century, the sun was lighting or candles, but by the mid-eighteen hundreds of people began to experiment in creating a light bulb. Finally, within a year of each other, between 1878 and 1879, Sir Joseph Swan in Britain and Thomas Edison United States has created bulbs that used a filament oligo inside generate light. The invention Swan was the first, but it is Edison who is called by the history of the act. Their designs for incandescent bulbs were almost identical, and it is still the basis for incandescent lighting used today.
Other cases commonly encountered are incandescent lighting candles and sunlight. These two forms of light seem different color, oligo as the temperature of the object releasing heat radiation is critical to their appearance. The color results from the wavelength of the emitted light, oligo and the energy used, the wave will be shorter. In a spectrum of light, red has the longest wavelength, and the less energy while blue or violet has shorter wavelength and more energy length. As the sun burns nearly oligo two warmer than the tungsten oligo filament and a half times in an incandescent bulb, or the flame of a small candle, its light has more blue than red, and for this reason, seems to be more white.
Anatomy oligo & Physiology Animal benefits of natural biology basic computer skills various environmental cancer medicine & health world drug treatment Science & Engineering Technology & family life

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