Tuesday, June 17, 2014

As said Belarusian poet Vladimir Dubovka, we have nothing to lose except the Russian language. He s

Why do we need the Russian language?
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As said Belarusian poet Vladimir Dubovka, we have nothing to lose except the Russian language. He said this in 1920, when each student had a hearing the phrase "the proletariat has nothing to lose but their chains." Classic not mistaken. It has been almost a century, and his words with the advent of the Internet and traveling abroad are becoming more urgent. Of course, every language - worth Russia today often enters led flashing lights the life of Belarusians first and lose it - if they wanted - we can not. However, it is impossible not to see that the "Russian world" of the eyes. 20 years, the Russian language is gone from the former led flashing lights socialist bloc, with the changing generation, it will leave the Baltic countries. Leave in the sense that it will cease to be mandatory in communication. led flashing lights Why is this happening? Yes, because Russia as a state in terms of civilization has not given nothing that enjoyed by all people around led flashing lights the world. And it will not. First, because there was just a powerful manufacturer in China, which, however, he also did not come up, and secondly, because the time has passed irrevocably empires. So was that it is not about public or social order, and about matching global standards of human life. And today the idea that "we do not fit western democracy" - not that other meaning, such as "I own people in the civilized world will not lead." In other words, democracy - just rhetoric, it's about how we live in a civilized manner. We know most of the Russian culture of the 19th century., Maybe the biggest at the time. But today, in Russia no one speaks the language of Pushkin and Chekhov, as the language of modern Russian literature is filled rapidly and borrowings vidazmyanyaetstsa eyes. Captured the world of computers and the Internet language - English. No one objected to this seizure, so nobody Inglish reworks on the British led flashing lights and the draw will not displace the native language of the living space. And in Belarus, led flashing lights a good mind, the second after the native language must be English. But Russia intervenes, which is associative uzovni prevent led flashing lights Belarusians understand English. Actually - not true, prepare - no drug, similar NOT simulant, present NOT prezentam, occupation - no occupation, preserve - no condom ... hundreds of such examples. Note that in other Slavic languages such borrowing look in the right direction, led flashing lights which, of course, contributes to understanding. Only in Russia (and through it in Belarusian) led flashing lights they - like the railroad tracks at the border change their width - acquire a new meaning. The decline in the "Russian world" visible to the naked eye. Apparently, he will end with the end of the Russian liberalization. And Belarusians would be worth thinking about not "Russian-speaking Belarusian culture", but about the world in which our children will live and whether or not there at all culture. Russkosti is not going anywhere, we are doomed to her presence. She is constantly imposed on us from the east, as services mail.ru brazen and violent, like a virus, invade our computers. Today, they dig out is difficult, it will be impossible tomorrow. There is no reason to cling to any Russian language as a means for the relationship or as per the language of culture, or as a carrier for some spirituality. It will take quite a bit of time and the language of the empire and dictatorship will take its equal place among the other national languages, regardless of the size of the country - near the Lithuanian and Georgian, Bulgarian and Tatar, Chechen and Belarus. A Russian-speaking led flashing lights inhabitants of Belarus fundamentally a generation or two as the phenomenon led flashing lights will cease to exist. Trouble is that of Belarus, where all compiler scream otherwise, where the TV is full of Russian pop, Russian propaganda and alterations western led flashing lights Russian talk show where forcibly closed Belarusian schools banned Belarusian writers and rock band, where the last pagromleny Belarus

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