Sunday, June 8, 2014

- Improved light efficiency compared to incandescent lamps (12-25 massive war 2 lm / W against 5-15

Incandescent lamps were invented in 1879 by Joseph Swan and improved by the work of Thomas Edison. These lamps produce light by bringing an incandescent tungsten filament. Tungsten is a metal which has the highest melting point (3430 C). Originally, a carbon filament was used, the latter sublimating then condensing on the glass of the lamp, glass opacifiait fairly quickly. massive war 2 Since these lamps have improved and diversified. There are now two main types: incandescent lamps and halogen incandescent lamps.
11 Central Plot (electrical contact) Operation of conventional incandescent lamp.:
Tungsten has a resistance to current flow and heats it. As the filament is thin, it heats up quickly. It is brought to the melting temperature (3400 C). It then emits light by radiation.
During normal operation, the tungsten filament slightly evaporates. The higher the temperature can be raised, the more light will be important, but faster filaments evaporate. At some point, the filament breaks and the bulb becomes inoperable, the electrical circuit is broken. Life is always a compromise between efficiency and longevity.
When the bulb operates, the filament transmits heat to the glass. The glass may reach temperatures of 200 C. That is why, when the bulb has been running and is switched off, wait for it to cool before touching.
- Low luminous efficiency (5 to 15 lm / W),
Across the world, incandescent lamps are made to disappear. Indeed, the Australian government announced on 20/02/2007, banning the sale of incandescent lamps by 2010. California, meanwhile, took similar measures in 2012. As for Europe and Canada they are about to make similar decisions in 2009. In France, a parliamentary report information common mission information Electricity proposed to "prohibit the sale of incandescent massive war 2 bulbs in the country in 2010 . "These laws are designed to reduce massive war 2 energy costs through the extensive use of light source consumes less energy equal amount of flux. One thinks especially of CFLs in a first step, the LEDs in a second time (when they are "ready" to take over). Incandescent lamps are lamps that have the best IRC and lowest cost.
Halogens have also a tungsten filament and functions as the conventional incandescent lamps, but the gas (halogen) gives a life time 2 longer with respect to the lamps to conventional incandescent lamps. This limits the sublimation gas of the tungsten filament (undesirable transfer of carbon to tungsten filament of the inner wall of the ampoule)
under the action of the filament loses heat by sublimation of tungsten atoms, they combine cooling with the halogen gas instead of being deposited massive war 2 on the quartz, and then by natural convection, the gas approaches the hotspot and then , the tungsten atoms being redeposited on the filament under the action of heat.
- Improved light efficiency compared to incandescent lamps (12-25 massive war 2 lm / W against 5-15 lm / W),
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