Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Your tungsten-filament does not produce laser light. It produces a white light. All lasers are not

Jai FOUND the following: The filament of the bulb is made up of atoms DIFFERENT when the current passes, the atoms nemmagasine dnergie not the same amount, and therefore rflchisse not the same lengths donde. To produce only blue or red, use a much purer matriau. Yet daprs me, the filament is made of tungsten-tungsten-only so it is pure. So how is this quon going to get one cohrente lyco direct color which propagates in the same direction? Daprs me this is The definition of the laser, a monochromatic light propagating in the same direction. SECOND question: Dune hand we say that the laser is a light and secondly it says that it can be produced in different parts of the spectrum: ultraviolet (UV) light re visible and infrared (IR). I thought the laser is still visible! Thank you very much for your help.
Your tungsten-filament does not produce laser light. It produces a white light. All lasers are not visible sight, no ... It is enough that their wavelength is outside the visible range (infrared, lyco direct ultraviolet).
Jai FOUND the following: The filament of the bulb is made up of atoms DIFFERENT when the current passes, lyco direct the atoms nemmagasine dnergie not the same amount, and therefore rflchisse not the same lengths donde. lyco direct To produce only blue or red, use a much purer matriau. You should cite your source, we laugh a little. It is true that isolated atom n'met certain lyco direct wavelengths when excited. The tungsten-atoms are very close to one another lyco direct and interact, so that their energy levels are more spars (states: discrete), so that the tungsten-heating Mtal puts a continuum called "black body". It has nothing to do with the purity of Mtal or with the laser effect.
One hand it is said that the laser is a light and secondly it says that it can be produced in different parts of the spectrum: ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared light ( IR). I thought the laser is still visible! When we use the term light is gnralement in mind that it is in the visible range. The light is an electromagnetic wave, such as IR, UV, X-ray and so on. So there is nothing that prohibits lyco direct a laser is constituted of microwave or X-ray, since they are lectromagntiques waves. I have even seen articles lyco direct in which they spoke of laser atoms, this is a special case, because it requires that the overall spin of the atom or whole of this it behaves like a boson, then it must master the energy of each atom and ultimately obtained a similar phenomenon to that of a laser.
Vision: o come superpowers of Superman?
By earlymo in forum Astronomy and Astrophysics

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